12 years ago on July 5, the GamingOnLinux website was created. Who would have thought it would still be going this long, in the face of overwhelming odds. Happy Birthday to us! It's been a thrilling ride, one we hope to keep enjoying for many years to come.
The next year or so should be thoroughly interesting, with the rumours on the SteamPal coming up. We're quite excited to see how that will change Linux gaming and hope to be at the forefront of reporting on it for all Linux gaming fans. Of course though, our overall mission remains the same: to cover any and all types of Linux gaming from news about native games, development on emulators, open source, Wine & Proton and so much more.
If you can donate or regularly support us, here's where you can do so: Firstly, if you wish to get specific reward tiers and access to special things you can do so on Patreon. Unlike many websites, we don't have adverts littering the screen. We do wish to remain that way, however we do have a single spot on our Patreon tiers for a single sponsor to have a small spot before comments.
All other donations, without any special rewards can be done by:
- Paypal Donation or Monthly donation/sub: Supporter - Supporter Plus
- Liberapay
- Twitch - If you have Amazon Prime, you gain a free Twitch sub but you need to re-do it each month.
- Ko-fi - chuck us a coffee or two
You can also buy games using our affiliate/partner links:
You can find all the links to support us on a our dedicated page any time.
As always, our inbox is open if you wish to know anything or you wish us to work on a feature to improve the site. Always happy to hear from readers and game developers. Check out our contact page on how to reach us.
It's probable that this has been the toughest year so far for so many reasons from COVID-19 to personal life issues but we're still here - alive, kicking and committed. Thank you very much for being part of our community. Here's to another great year. Cheers!
We shall be doing a chilled-out birthday livestream tonight so do go ahead and follow us on Twitch.
Puberty is next. Congratulations!Time for a massive growth spurt?
Or perhaps "Growing the Beard":
Here's to another 12 years before linux becomes the mainstream desktop!
I understood that this started as a hobby project and turned into being professional some day? I seemed to be missing the turning point though, if it was publicly announced...?
its served as my only source of gaming related news
Jap, same here.
Happy birthday!
You know, GoL has become the place where I go for Linux news, period. Anything important and relevant to the desktop tends to be relevant to gaming as well, so I see it here. And other Linux sites tend to be full of stuff about servers or whatever, that I don't give a damn about. So after I found GoL I gradually realized I really had no need for other Linux sites as a rule.
I'm amazed by all the articles and insightful reviews you have written over the years. Touching on everything from AAA titles, to indies to open source projects, hardware and everything in between. Never sacrificing on quality yet still keeping an overwhelmingly high output rate!

It's not that long ago that I've found out about this excellent site, but since I did, I browse it daily and it made it so much more easy to stay up to date with what's new in the world of Linux gaming. Thank you a lot for your work!
Well, hurrah! Happy birthday!
You know, GoL has become the place where I go for Linux news, period. Anything important and relevant to the desktop tends to be relevant to gaming as well, so I see it here.
Yeah, me too, pretty much. For specific things I subscribe to a newsletter, or rss feed from first-hand sources; but for no-nonsense general news coverage GoL is the place to go.
It has also built an impressively civilized community around it. (Anyone who's taken a glance at the comments sections of various well-known Linux ... outlets ... knows what *uncivilized* in this context might mean.)
BTW are we now able to discuss PEGI/USK 12+ year games openly?

Perfect time to take a look at the old news from 2010 :D https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2010/08/steam-not-coming-to-linux-valve
Well... that didn't age well!! Thankfully!

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