Well, the writing was on the wall for some time but this confirms it - it seems Feral Interactive aren't likely to do more Linux ports with the official port of A Total War Saga: TROY for Linux cancelled.
It was announced today that TROY would be finally seeing a Steam release on September 2. Feral did their usual thing on Twitter of quote-tweeting, mentioning it would be on macOS soon after the Windows release. A mention of Linux was totally absent.
Feral replied to a user on Twitter to say:
The Linux port was put on hold while TROY was exclusive to Epic, and we are not resuming development for the Steam release. We will continue to assess the feasibility of porting games to Linux, but there is generally less demand for native titles since Valve’s launch of Proton.
Considering there's a chance that Steam Play Proton might be able to play it from day-1, it's not overly surprising to hear this from Feral considering the cost of porting bigger games with it being far easier for indies. Worth also noting, that TROY was free on Epic Games Store when it first launched, so it would have already eaten into plenty of possible sales.
Part of the problem though, is how most Feral ports lack cross-platform multiplayer with Windows and that type of thing simply won't fly on the upcoming Steam Deck. Add into that issues with saves between the Windows version and Feral ports, that could cause more confusion if they don't sync up. Not only that but since the Steam Deck is basically a PC in handheld form, seeing bigger titles launch for it officially months or years later also wouldn't be a good look.
Ha, yeah someone has been a little blind to all that has happened...for how long gaming on linux is a thing and nothing really changed?!?!Nothing really changed? Are you serious?
For me is good news! the day that we dont need ports anymore is closer! And linux gaming wont have limitations to grow. And if it grows enough publishers will care a lot that game runs pretty well on linux also :PStill not going to get people to adopt linux even if x game runs on linux under proton 1 to 1 and there is no difference there will always be an excuse that they need windows. If someone wants to use linux they are using it already. If people dont want to use linux there will always be an excuse for gamers theres always the shifting goal post if gta 5 was avilable on linux i d switch tomorrow okay you can play it on linux and its great via proton oh well multiplayer its gotta have the multiplayer then i ll switch to linux okay the multi player works Red dead 2 when that works on linux i ll switch tomorrow and so on and so on. People like sticking to what they know its the same reason that you could order anything from a chinese restaurant but you dont you stick to the same two or three thing you know you like. People stick to windows because its the ultimate lazy boy os if you fuck up theres probably a program with a gui that can unfuck your system.
I cannot overstate how terrifed people are of the command line terminal why do you think apart from snaps and flatpack debian and ubuntu pushe deb to be the default packing for a program because its extremely similar to an exe you double click it confirms the program and you effectively have to click next and your done. windows users expect and need that because the idea of using the terminal scares the shit of out them in case they brick their system. Why mentioning this people will stick to what they know same with the steam deck theres already plenty of main stream youtube channels that are covering it saying they stick windows on it and let everyone see the benchmarks.
You mean Feral? I hope so and wish them well... Personnally I have no Switch to benefit from that.

Nor do i but i think its fair to say Feral has joined Asypr in the departed linux space also we lost VP as they not longer port to linux not too many unhappy about that one though. They lost their contracts with codemasters when EA bought codemasters
This is a sad news really.R.I.P Feral future linux ports. Yes this was coming. I saw double rainbows in the sky and winter suddenly changed into summer in 2 seconds. From those signs I knew that there would be no TROY port.. Still Proton kills the need of Linux game ports. Future seems bad but on the other hand making the linux ports wouldn't be simply enough to increase player percentage when it comes to OS statistics in which Windows rules. Probably Steam Deck( which uses Proton) is the the best option to change the situation.Hopefully even slightly.
Yep.Over the years they amassed so much knowledge about Linux porting, and with their latest ports being excellent, to basically throw all this talent away?Weeeeelll, they had a lot of people leave, so quite a lot of that talent went elsewhere.
I think the biggest shock that I had was when Marc left for Unity. It was when the first pillar started to crack.
Yeah had a feeling he could see the writing on the wall when you cant get a meeting with someone who just a year ago contacted you to port a game cough IO and hitman when you sequel comes out and you very publically say linux too we are not independent and we make our owns calls after departing square. Three months later they wont even take your call to discuss a porting deal. I mean this is all from a blog from an ex feral employee so massive grain of salt, sa he does not say what his circumstances are for leaving so he could just be bitter and spouting shite but there you go.
Well, silver lining there: I think there's a good chance that a good Linux developer in Unity would have a broader impact making Unity generally make Linux games well and painlessly, than the same person in Feral helping to port one game at a time.
You are right for this positive thinking.
On the other end I really miss the good old feral day with the radar. As an adventure game fan, it was always a pleasure to see new enigma poping on the radar. An overall very well tought puzzle which was almost funnier than playing the port itself :p We used to discuss here what possibly could be the next port with lot of imagination and debate ^^
Last edited by Jahimself on 28 Jul 2021 at 11:46 pm UTC
Isn't that basically what I said? The problem is we get the short term 'fix' by using Proton. The longer term may never happen now because developers code for 'Proton-friendly' vs 'Native-Friendly.' so we're stuck with never getting the full performance of the Linux system. But instead of longer term becoming a healthy thing where people start seeing the benefits of releasing native software, they just figure they'll sell one version, everyone will buy it anyhow, and there will be no incentive to make a native (hence better performing) version for the Linux users.I mean... maybe to be a little gross. But isn't this sort of like the short term gratification of getting a hooker... but then later down the road you figure out you caught something nasty and long term are forever cursed? That's kind of what this seems like, bad things long term, for short term solution.Exactly what i was afraid of, and why i can't say if Proton is a good thing or not.
on the one hand you have 1 game from feral and maybe some other devs not porting their game to linux
on the other hand you have 1000s of games you can play, including the ones they would have ported.
imho the answer is pretty clear
For me, the specific use case of Proton is for games that would never even remotely get a native port. Games that are years old, and no longer supported. Or for games that won't even run on Windows 10.
what is long term for you?
for how long gaming on linux is a thing and nothing really changed?!?!
do you wanna wait another decade? or 2? or 3?
linux needs market share, which you wont get without games/software. with a bigger market share the native ports will come back
My response [here](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/07/feral-no-longer-porting-a-total-war-saga-troy-to-linux-citing-less-demand-since-proton/comment_id=207408) is applicable as a response here too.
TL;DR: either market share stays the same, in which case none of this matter, or it will rise in which case native ports will come. It absolutely doesn't make sense for a company to "code for 'Proton-friendly'" because no one is going to have a signicant portion of their revenue at the mercy of some layer they can't control. Simple as that.
I'm sad to see this happening, also to some games I was genuinely looking forward to. Pathfinder: Kingmaker was released with native Linux support. The sequel, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is not. It MAY have something to do with this trend too, where developers can easily ignore Linux support, because somebody else may do the job for them. Well, provided you enjoy those chains of course.
It feels like a lost cause now. I barely bother to visit this place any more, because all you write about is steam, steam, valve, google, valve, google, steam, proton, proton, proton -- on and on and on.
Once again, the last hope is indie games that for some odd reason is perfectly capable of providing native Linux support, where these giants are not. Funny, that.
Last edited by kean on 29 Jul 2021 at 7:33 am UTC
This development has been a concern of mine for quite a while, and I'm surprised not more people could anticipate where this was going.
Everybody could see where this is going.
the freedom that Linux USUALLY means.
Believe it or not, Linux usually actually doesn't mean freedom. You have Linux in servers, phones and microcontrollers, non of which offee *you* any freedom. Desktop where it does offer freedom is a small percentage.
And here we are, seeing the consequences of people blindly supporting shteam, valve, google and proton. Heck, there is barely an article on this very site without a plug about it.
This is the part I really don't agree with. No one is "blindly" following Valve. They are in it for the money, we all know it. We like Valve because of all they've done to make Linux a viable gaming platform (despite it all being selfish).
Like it or not, steam is removing one of the biggest hurdles to Linux adoption.
This development has been a concern of mine for quite a while, and I'm surprised not more people could anticipate where this was going. Instead of seeing native Linux releases, people are getting locked in to shteam and their DRM instead of enjoying the freedom that Linux USUALLY means. And here we are, seeing the consequences of people blindly supporting shteam, valve, google and proton. Heck, there is barely an article on this very site without a plug about it.
I'm sad to see this happening, also to some games I was genuinely looking forward to. Pathfinder: Kingmaker was released with native Linux support. The sequel, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is not. It MAY have something to do with this trend too, where developers can easily ignore Linux support, because somebody else may do the job for them. Well, provided you enjoy those chains of course.
It feels like a lost cause now. I barely bother to visit this place any more, because all you write about is steam, steam, valve, google, valve, google, steam, proton, proton, proton -- on and on and on.
Once again, the last hope is indie games that for some odd reason is perfectly capable of providing native Linux support, where these giants are not. Funny, that.
The thing with indies is 7 percent of sales is a massive amount of money if your game budget is say under 100k if your making a game with hundreds of hours of voice acting licenced music state of the art graphics and sound 7 percent is nothing. (the seven percent comes from the interview on this site from two three weeks ago saying there market is 7 percent linux)Its not a case of big studios cant port games they wont because its just not worth it from a business point of view. The expense of porting the extra cost of deploying linux specific fix vs getting valve to pay for it all and getting valve to provide ongoing support and updates. with even indie darling studios saying dont play the native version play the proton version its better.
Well, silver lining there: I think there's a good chance that a good Linux developer in Unity would have a broader impact making Unity generally make Linux games well and painlessly, than the same person in Feral helping to port one game at a time.
You are right for this positive thinking.
On the other end I really miss the good old feral day with the radar. As an adventure game fan, it was always a pleasure to see new enigma poping on the radar. An overall very well tought puzzle which was almost funnier than playing the port itself :p We used to discuss here what possibly could be the next port with lot of imagination and debate ^^
and we were always dissapointed that it was never anyone top 5 games ah the memories
Isn't that basically what I said? The problem is we get the short term 'fix' by using Proton.I mean... maybe to be a little gross. But isn't this sort of like the short term gratification of getting a hooker... but then later down the road you figure out you caught something nasty and long term are forever cursed? That's kind of what this seems like, bad things long term, for short term solution.Exactly what i was afraid of, and why i can't say if Proton is a good thing or not.
on the one hand you have 1 game from feral and maybe some other devs not porting their game to linux
on the other hand you have 1000s of games you can play, including the ones they would have ported.
imho the answer is pretty clear
For me, the specific use case of Proton is for games that would never even remotely get a native port. Games that are years old, and no longer supported. Or for games that won't even run on Windows 10.
what is long term for you?
for how long gaming on linux is a thing and nothing really changed?!?!
do you wanna wait another decade? or 2? or 3?
linux needs market share, which you wont get without games/software. with a bigger market share the native ports will come back
if the short time fix means we can play almost everything with 5% performance loss........ ill also take it for a long term solution
i really dont care if its native or proton as long as i can play it
for how long gaming on linux is a thing and nothing really changed?!?!Nothing really changed? Are you serious?
i clearly was talking about market share. 2018, when proton started linux users thought "now we get the market share"........ still under 1%.... nothing changed in 3 years
with the deck we could double it in 2022
I'm not leaving Linux completely - I will still prefer free software for my daily tasks and use Linux on my non-gaming PCs. I might revisit Linux gaming if the situation changes, but... Right now I don't see a reason why I should prefer gaming on poorly implemented Windows to gaming on Windows.
The only reason that matters, for me, is not having to put up with Windows itself. If you think that's a better experience (for you), then that's perfectly valid.
Me? I wouldn't touch Windows with a bargepole. My contact with it through work reminds me how terrible it (still) is, and I'm glad I removed it from my life nearly 8 years ago.
As for the issues you describe - I don't know what to say. I've never had issues like you're describing. I had to add a pulseaudio latency variable to Cyberpunk, I suppose, but compared to the hell of getting things working on Windows 7 back when I used it... this is easy street. I suppose it comes down to the fact that I check ProtonDB before I buy a game, so I tend to only buy those games that I know will be a fairly click-play experience. I wonder what games you're playing to have such a terrible experience.
Finally, I'd suggest that this is the exactly wrong time to be giving up. With the Steam Deck promises of a seamless experience, anti-cheat suport, and huge improvements to Proton, this is an exciting time to actually stay and see those improvements happen! And if they don't pan out to your expectation, then you make the jump back.
Depends what you're playing I suppose. When I look at my Recent games in Steam, probably about 80% of them are through Proton and every one (except CyberPunk) is click-to-play.
!Scaine's recently played list
But if windows is going to suit you better @Flabb then good luck to you not going to hold it against you i would suggest you are perhaps not on the best distro for gaming as solus are very very picky about what is and is not allowed on its distro. Gaming wise found arch or anything debian based a much easier time when it comes to gaming.
Well, I guess it's time to reinstall Windows on my main gaming PC again. With Ethan Lee and Ryan Gordon raising concerns, Feral cancelling ports and many other developers bailing out of Linux gaming, I don't see any reason to stay. I don't want to mess with custom Proton runtimes, DLL overrides, env variables and many subtle bugs that plague even the games with "Platinum" rating on ProtonDB - I just want to click and play, like a normal person.
Maybe in 2016-2018 the market share was lower, but at least we were getting ones of the best indie games natively, Feral and Aspyr were porting the top AAA games, and... Maybe some people still remember that actually in the middle of 2018 Feral were at their peak performance - both in terms of porting quality and the amount of contracts they were getting. Right before Valve dropped Proton bomb on them.
I'm not leaving Linux completely - I will still prefer free software for my daily tasks and use Linux on my non-gaming PCs. I might revisit Linux gaming if the situation changes, but... Right now I don't see a reason why I should prefer gaming on poorly implemented Windows to gaming on Windows.
Don't know about you, but I exclusively buy native games and still have way too amny games in my backlog. Despite proton, there's no shortage of good games on Linux.
I can't remember any native game from the last 4 years that gave me a headache - be it a port from Feral, Unity/UE4 game or a custom engine by some talented indie dev, I had no serious problems whatsoever.Funny. I have sort of the opposite experience. The last two native games I played didn't even start. But could be played with Proton. Both issues were eventually resolved though. I guess software development will always be difficult...
Anyhow, do what feels best for you! You can always check back on progress later. (But we do need you to leave your badge and gun on Liam's desk on the way out).
- Most developers struggle making multiple platforms release even if it is a few clicks away due to org chaos and lack of engineers in team, many teams having plans about that (supporting multiple platforms) drop all platforms except Windows and mobile very quickly. Games are frequently developed by very non-techy people.
- Many premade assets in stores are windows-only containing blob stuff made only for that platform, frequently decisions to use these drops other platforms support even if originally planned.
- It is hard to support people having troubles on some platform when there is nobody running on that platform, or just one who needs to do more important stuff now.
- Development costs are now increased, so developers need to optimize their processes and drop multi-platform support focusing on single platform (Windows, consoles, mobile) which provides reliable revenue.
- Developers as all people chose path of least resistance, most of times.
Has anyone tried Proton for "outside Steam" with Launchbox / BigBox game launcher? We need a utility of this caliber on Linux. This is your "UI for Steam Deck that works with all the stores / emulators" check out videos on YouTube. There is a thread on trying to get it working with Wine...
Proton runs perfectly fine from console. I do it with a script
mkdir -p $(pwd)/wineprefix
STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=$(pwd)/wineprefix ~/.steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ -\ Experimental/proton run MonolithBay/Binaries/Win64/MonolithBay-Win64-Shipping.exe
you also can add
when you get out of files
Last edited by slapin on 30 Jul 2021 at 3:59 pm UTC
Has anyone tried Proton for "outside Steam" with Launchbox / BigBox game launcher? We need a utility of this caliber on Linux. This is your "UI for Steam Deck that works with all the stores / emulators" check out videos on YouTube. There is a thread on trying to get it working with Wine...
Proton runs perfectly fine from console. I do it with a script
mkdir -p $(pwd)/wineprefix
STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=$(pwd)/wineprefix ~/.steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ -\ Experimental/proton run MonolithBay/Binaries/Win64/MonolithBay-Win64-Shipping.exe
you also can add
when you get out of files
Nice, I'll see if I can get that to work... I attempted to add Launchbox in as a non-steam game, got as far as it asking to have .Net Core installed...
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