XCOM 2 is still to this day one of my absolute favourite strategy games, and now you can experience it free for a whole weekend and get it cheap if you want to continue with it. This is celebrating six years since XCOM 2 first released, which came with a Linux port from Feral Interactive.
For the Free Weekend on Steam, you have from now until February 14 to download and play. The good news is that the base game has a 94% discount making it a ridiculous £2.10. On top of that, the XCOM 2 Collection Bundle also has 94% off which gives you multiple DLC and the War of the Chosen expansion which is a huge extension to the game that I consider essential (but masses of fun without it).
Head over to Steam for the deal and join the fun of missing those 99% accurate shots.
It also forms part of the current 2K Publisher game sale on Steam where you can save on Borderlands, Civilization and plenty more quality titles.
Just bought it - I spent many many hr's on the Amiga (AGA) version in the mid 90's, however it compares to that i'm sure it will be worth £2.10...
Personally, I don't think it does compare to the original UFO: Enemy Unknown -- they're two very different beasts. But that doesn't mean that the modern XCOM games aren't great games in their own right. I recommend OpenXcom for replaying the original.
I recommend OpenXcom for replaying the original.OpenXcom is great and it supports Terror from the Deep, too! For all us Amiga users who missed it back in the day.

Probably the easiest way to play is buy the original(s) on steam (-75% right now) and make them run through luxtorpeda.
It would be nice if they went the Skyrim and Witcher 3 way and worked together with the community for a final update with enhanced moddability and bug fixes and maybe offered the best mods as optional defaults with the authors permission.
The Community Highlander is nice but it doesn't have access to native functions and therefore we lack some things like being able to influence the "detection tiles" when changing the rules.
Even if War of the Chosen were terrible I'd recommend it because then you can make use of the incredible offerings of the modding community. Huge number of fantastic mods.
Last edited by anewson on 11 Feb 2022 at 5:35 pm UTC
Do you suggets to play XCOM1 or XCOM2 to someone with not much free time?
Well, it does take time to get through the whole game, but it might be nice if you could say spare half an hour every now and then to get through one fight and put it down again. Not sure.
Do you suggest to play XCOM1 or XCOM2 to someone with not much free time?
One other point, is that if you played (and enjoyed) the original XCOM UFO Defense / Enemy Unknown, the new XCOM1 has a few nods to the original one and therefore it is nice to see the design considerations whenever a new enemy (always different in some way) is introduced. So from that (meta) perspective XCOM1 is a joy to play, even though the 2nd is more mature.
Do you suggets to play XCOM1 or XCOM2 to someone with not much free time?
I don't think there is a clear choice wrt time. They both suffer from the curse of turn-based tactical games, namely games last waay too long on maps with a lot of enemies because they force you to watch the animations (enemy turn). I wouldn't play this kind of game when i don't have at least 3-4 hours of game time, as a map can last 15-20 minutes easily per try, and you will likely have to retry 1-2 times on harder difficulties (which is why i personally like to play these games) unless you are really good at the game.
There should be speedup mods out there. I very rarely used mods, but I remember having installed one of those here.
*edit *
Something like this:
Last edited by Eike on 14 Feb 2022 at 12:24 pm UTC
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