Free, open source and scientific! Thrive is an in-development evolution sim, with a new release out now adding in some more big prototypes for later-life stages.
After the last release adding in a prototype for being on land and seeing a civilization start to appear, this release goes even further. Now there's a prototypes for going from a single cell all the way into space. Sounds exciting but the keyword is prototype, don't expect anything fancy-looking. Thrive as a whole is still under heavy development. It's more the developers just showing off a bit and laying the groundwork for what's to come, to give you a sneaky peek at their wider plans.
On top of the new prototypes there's a few other changes:
- Added a new toxin damage sound (instead of reusing the emit sound).
- Improved the placeholder tree and rocket graphics for the prototypes.
- Added a system for window panels to reorder this makes draggable windows go on top of other such windows when they are moved around or opened.
- Added a new feature to the museum screen to delete fossils.
- Added miscellaneous fun screen filter shaders.
See the new trailer:

Direct Link
They said that now all the main prototypes are in, they'll be going back to once again expand the microbe stage which is currently the most complete.
I love watching this game grow, it's already really fascinating in the early game and what they're doing with it is showing a lot of promise. Mechanically very interesting but they just need to keep iterating on the design to find more of the fun.
You can buy it on Steam to support development or download it direct or via Flathub.
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