With 2023 coming to a close Valve have refreshed their Steam Year In Review page, so you can dive in and see everything you did and how it stacks up against others.
It's a rather fancy page that will list how many games you played, how many achievements you unlocked, your most played games, what platforms you played on, the types of games you mostly played and so much more nerdy details that you all love to go over right?
Valve even put up a clearly big-budget trailer for the event too:

Direct Link
You can also share your page directly with others, so feel free to drop a link to your own in the comments if that's your sort of thing.
What were your most played games in 2023? Mine very much expectedly were War Thunder and Baldur's Gate 3, although Bloons TD 6 certainly crept up the list for me this year. With a whole lot of my time spent on Steam Deck across various other games like Halls of Torment, Brotato and Dave the Diver.
My top 5 most played games are Aragami 2 (~6% of total playtime), The Great Ace Attorney Collection (~5%), an adult-only game I won't mention (also ~5%), Powerwash Simulator (also ~5%), and Baldur's Gate 3 (~4%).
And to give you an idea of how much total playtime I got, I put 96 hours in BG3, and 112 hours in TGAAC, though I did leave those games running in the background a few times, so these aren't fully representative of my actual playtime.

Oh wow, you can see the ~5 month gap where I was replaying Zelda: BotW+DLC and then TotK on Switch almost exclusively. Haha.

8% of playtime on Steam Deck sounds about right, I mostly use mine as a VLC client for my minidlna server.

Not surprising anyone, here's how mine looks.

71% of my playtime was on my Steam Deck this year (the other 29% was on a couple of other Linux boxes) - which is quite impressive because I only got it at the start of September.

Last edited by Pengling on 19 December 2023 at 12:26 pm UTC
Last edited by dubigrasu on 19 December 2023 at 1:26 pm UTC
Quoting: PenglingYou need more Shower with your Dad Simulator to go with your (awesome) Placid Plastic Duck Simulator. I mean, just look at the trailer. XD
Not surprising anyone, here's how mine looks.
71% of my playtime was on my Steam Deck this year (the other 29% was on a couple of other Linux boxes) - which is quite impressive because I only got it at the start of September.
Real talk though, it's actually really fun and now it's got multiplayer with Remote Play Together too. You match the kid with the Dad as the levels get more and more difficult. It plays sorta like Kaboom!. Just instead of catching bombs, you're matching the kid with their Dad. lol 🚿🧼🧽🛁
Last edited by Linux_Rocks on 19 December 2023 at 1:40 pm UTC
The other games I played were from Itch, GOG, DLsite, MangaGamer, JAST, or I bought physical editions like with H2O.
It looks like I played 39 games total, and my top three games were:
XCOM2 - 20%
Endless Sky - 12%
Stardew Valley - 10%
I had another 5 games just below the 10% mark, so I didn't play the remaining 31 games very much!
Device split was:
Linux - 69%
Steam Deck - 31%
That's up from 22% on the Deck from last year, but I didn't get it until Q4. I was obviously using it hard the end of the year!
Unfortunately the VR situation is currently not in a good state for me (maybe due to nvidia), so I have 1% of playtime on that other OS... I know, what a shame! But I really enjoy playing VR and as it barely ran recently on Linux, I've chosen to enjoy it at least a little bit. Man, last year it was all running so well, and today so many things are borked with VR on Linux. I have hope Valve, nVidia and Unity will get together and fix those issues... and maybe that Deckard project will improve things... but I also heard that the new Steam Link VR App doesn't work on Linux. So, I'm afraid it'll be borked for a bit longer.
- 83 games played.
- 589.9 hours played (not counting demos, that's an additional 21.5 hours!)
- Most time was spent with Stardew Valley (58.5h) closely followed by GT Legends and Grand Prix Legends
- I play a lot of olds, so the average age of the game I play is 10 years.
- Oldest game played was Alone in the Dark from 1992.
- I bought 31 new games this year, for a total sum of ███.██(€
Not bad for a newly father, and newly home owner with finishing work to do.
Quoting: PenglingBomberman as most played...... Not surprised at all...... Not one bit......
Not surprising anyone, here's how mine looks.
71% of my playtime was on my Steam Deck this year (the other 29% was on a couple of other Linux boxes) - which is quite impressive because I only got it at the start of September.
Quoting: Linux_RocksYou need more Shower with your Dad Simulator to go with your (awesome) Placid Plastic Duck Simulator. I mean, just look at the trailer. XDOh dear...... That makes it sound like Placid Duck Simulator is a psychiatrist tool to help cope with the other..... Trauma.......
Quoting: ElamanOpiskelijaWell I am just a casual over here, but I am wondering how was Liam's year in review.He was to busy dealing with complaints about my Dick jokes on the forums to play any games.......

For my year in review it was mostly hardcore Dick Trickle action in NASCAR Heat 5, Dakar 18, Race 07 and SRX The Game......
Quoting: Linux_RocksYou need more Shower with your Dad Simulator to go with your (awesome) Placid Plastic Duck Simulator. I mean, just look at the trailer. XDI think I'll just wait for more DLC for Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, plus its upcoming sequel...

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderBomberman as most played...... Not surprised at all...... Not one bit......Note also, that in the main Year in Review image, both Super Bomberman R and Super Bomberman R 2 are there.

My most notable achievement is having played 0 game released in 2023. Why the hell am I reading a blog about gaming news ?

Last edited by junibegood on 20 December 2023 at 8:18 am UTC
Quoting: junibegoodMy most notable achievement is having played 0 game released in 2023. Why the hell am I reading a blog about gaming news ?The first few games I played this year were all 30 years old, so I don't think that that matters too much.

It's funny to see so many differences. Both in games and in percentages. I don't really have a game that stands out very high. My top 5 is Factorio (13%), Witcher 3 (12%), Synth Riders (12%), Audica (7%) and Groove Gunner (7%). So that only accounts for half of my play time. And that doesn't even include games I played using Lutris or Heroic.
Other interesting stats are: 100% Linux with 26% in VR and 3% on Steam Deck. Also 24% of the games I played were 2023 releases, which is much higher than I expected. Only 8% are 8 years or older.
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