Ready for more games to fill up your PC or Steam Deck with? Humble Bundle revealed the latest monthly selection in the Humble Choice for March 2024.
This is the monthly bundle that you can subscribe to allowing you to claim all of the games included each month with a fresh set, and it also gives you a Humble Store discount (bigger discount up to 20% if you stay subscribed to it for longer). Below I will note each game you can get included plus the Steam Deck rating, any ProtonDB rating if there is one and each is a Steam link if you need more info first.
The games included are:
Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition - Steam Deck Playable / ProtonDB Gold
Saints Row - Steam Deck Unsupported / ProtonDB Gold
Even though Valve rated it unsupported, it appears to work as long as you use Direct X (don't pick Vulkan)
Citizen Sleeper - Steam Deck Playable / ProtonDB Platinum
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin - Steam Deck Unsupported / ProtonDB Gold
Black Skylands - Steam Deck Verified / ProtonDB Gold
Soulstice - Steam Deck Playable / ProtonDB Platinum
Afterimage - Steam Deck Verified / ProtonDB Gold
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter - Steam Deck Playable / ProtonDB Gold
There's also a few discount coupons included in the bundle like 67% off the Saints Row expansion pass.
Check out Humble Choice for more.
Saints Row? I bet I wouldn't be able to gift, trade or sell that thing, I can't think of a living being who would want this game. :p
You can give the key to anyone. I have given dozens of Humble games to my family that way.
Saints Row? I bet I wouldn't be able to gift, trade or sell that thing, I can't think of a living being who would want this game. :p
You can give the key to anyone. I have given dozens of Humble games to my family that way.
The issue is not with "giving" but with giving "that" game.
It's garbage, so nobody would like it even for free.
Also, I'm passing on this month too. Half of the games are in my library and I'm not a fan of souls like games
At least I learned a new term. I had no idea what "masocore" is until I read the Nioh 2 Steam page...
I have a Steam Collection for games specifically gotten from Humble Monthly as it was known back then, and it has 363 games. I think I certainly got my money's worth at the time, but never regretted cancelling.
Not a great lineup again, maybe it's because I have 1,923 games in my library according to the Steam filtering dropdown but I feel like a lot of the games have not been as good as they used to be. Though back in the day at least, it was a good way to beef up your library if it was small!
I gave up on Humble Choice a while ago. I was grandfathered in with the Classic Plan and eventually I had two months in a row where I already owned every game, so I gave up. Even since, all of the headliner games are games I already own or have already gifted.
It's very hit and miss lately. Last month was nice for True Colors (which I had wish-listed but never bought). I guess Choice is great if you (like me) tend not to buy games when they're new anyway (unless you really, really want them). That way there are these nice "oh, that's a game from my wishlist!" moments every now and then. Then again, my library isn't nearly as large as yours, so...
Tbh, this is the worst Choice month in a while. I might just as well pause it, too. At first I thought about getting it for AfterImage alone, but it seems to be insanely difficult, too. In other words, not for me.
At least I learned a new term. I had no idea what "masocore" is until I read the Nioh 2 Steam page...
Afterimage isn't insanely difficult as long as you have the right equipment and experience level like a lot of other similar Metroidvania game. Also, this one has multiple endings based on certain events that occur throughout the game. I thought it was a fun game but the sidekick is annoying though, lol
As for Nioh 2, if you played enough Soulslike game and understand the mechanics, then this one is right up but not at the level of any of the FromSoftware games. The thing about this game is that you collect a lot of loot from enemy drops and each one has different attributes that make them interesting if you match each piece of related armor. I already beat both Nioh 1 and 2 on the PS4 back then and they were fun games

Last edited by ToddL on 7 Mar 2024 at 3:48 am UTC
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