This sounds really fun! RimWorld is getting a new horror-themed expansion named Anomaly, plus a free v1.5 update due at the same time.
Inspired by classics like Cabin in the Woods, The Thing, The Cthulhu mythos, Hellraiser, and many more this horror-themed expansion will see you survive flesh infestations, cultist attacks, shambling undead, blood rains, invisible hunters, and other sanity-shredding peril.
The expansion begins when your colonists accidentally provoke a mad superintelligence. From then on, madness manifests: Monstrous creatures, mind-bending mysteries, infiltrating parasites, and sanity-shredding phenomena that twist the whole world around you. It sounds awesome and probably will get me back into playing it again.
As for why they decided to make Anomaly, here's what the studio founder Tynan said about it:
I wanted to give players new kinds of emotions they haven’t encountered before in RimWorld. We’ve explored feelings around dramatic combat tension, family warmth, problem-solving and many more. Now I wanted to provoke new emotions - dread, psychological tension, suspicion and mystery. The horror theme unlocks a new emotional landscape for us to explore.
There aren’t many games which mix management and horror either, so it was an interesting design challenge to marry these two elements.
Plus I saw Cabin in the Woods and I thought the monster lab was awesome.
It was important to me that this not just be a collection of monsters to shoot at, because the base game already generates those feelings of combat tension and I wanted something new. So we made sure to design the new threats to follow the arc of classic horror stories: The protagonists encounter a mystery, then realize it’s a threat, and try to survive while they learn more about it, slowly building advantage before they try to turn the tables. It’s a very RimWorld kind of chaos when several of these things are happening at once with different threats.
This was really fun to work on and I think the team did an awesome job - I can’t wait for everyone to play it.
- Ty
Meanwhile the 1.5 update for all players is also rather large that will include books, bookcases, couches, ornate doors, Wall lamp, flood lights, and hidden conduits, performance improvements, people will be able to crawl, a clean room option, UI improvements, art improvements and absolutely loads more in the changelog. The update can also be tested in a Beta right now on Steam.
An exact release date wasn't given, it was just said the release date is "is in one month".
You can buy RimWorld for Linux from:
It has a Native Linux port and it is Steam Deck Verified too.

An exact release date wasn't given, it was just said the release date is "is in one month".It's gotta be during the solar eclipse next month, the new main menu art even shows an eclipse in progress.

And finally, wall lights in vanilla! That was on track to becoming the "I never play with mods, but of course I'm using X mod" mod.

When it comes to gaming and entertainment this year might be peak year for me so far.
32 core CPU with 64 gig of ram, game goes to 20 fps with big colony on STANDARD map, with NO MODS AT ALL.
Would love to play it, but more successful I get - less FPS is get.
Not enough performance fix.I really don't recall it being that power hungry. I only play on laptop computers, and i never encountered any big performance hits. Did you by chance rendered 100% of the planet scale? I never really got beneath 100 colonists, though.
Did you by chance rendered 100% of the planet scale? I never really got beneath 100 colonists, though.I don't have that option in my vanilla game.
I have roughly 30 colonists and roughly 100-120 animals.
moment i put game to fast speed and zoom out on my ultra wide screen game goes 30- FPS on me.
That's not good enough for platinum game. They really need to fix their shit.
I don't have that option in my vanilla game.I'm guessing Chrisznix is talking about the Globe Coverage option found in the vanilla game during planet generation. ([Link]( to wiki.) Choosing a smaller globe coverage definitely has an impact on speed, and it's not like you ever interact with 99% of the map anyway if you pick the biggest size. Though I also have the [My Little Planet]( mod to shrink the actual planet size down too (not just the fraction of planet that has land).
The lack of multi-threading is certainly one of the big pain points in the community, so it's nice to hear that at least some steps are being taken with this update offloading the pawn rendering logic to a second thread (so only 30 of your cores will be sitting idle, instead of 31.

(For the record, 64 GB of RAM is utterly overkill for the game without any mods; I'm running about 550 mods, including a bunch of the large Vanilla Expanded ones, in 24 GB of RAM.)
Choosing a smaller globe coverage definitely has an impact on speed, and it's not like you ever interact with 99% of the map anyway if you pick the biggest size.I choose default stuff most of the time, for everything. Except for difficulty.
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