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Terraria the smash-hit indie game is being turned into a tabletop experience with Terraria: The Board Game. It's crowdfunding on Kickstarter, and obviously it was going to do well.

Their goal was met almost instantly! At time of writing the main goal is £19,850 and they have £223,697 pledged. So yeah, clearly a lot of people are wanting in on this one and who could blame them? It looks great! Official too of course, made by Paper Fort Games in collaboration with Re-Logic!

With this adaption it will be playable for 1-4 people (solo play is an option) with world exploration, co-op play, dice-based combat, deck-building and little miniatures for bosses you can paint too.

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It's certainly not cheap though at £62 to get it (not including shipping), but this is a special game adaption, it's quite different to just going into a local store and picking up a copy of Monopoly. You're paying to support the creators as much as you are getting a board game for you to play.

Check out the full project on Kickstarter.

Will you be jumping in for this one as well?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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razing32 May 28
Seems they undershot.
Wonder how it plays .
Am a bit torn between just buying ASAP or waiting for reviews.
Thyuchev May 29
The initial "goal" of less than 20.000£ is only a marketing twist. It's a common trope on the boardgame kickstarters. The goal is to be able to say "funded in 48 seconds!" or this kind of marketing bullshit.

To sell on kickstarter, a game has to have plastic miniatures. Making the molds is costy. If such a game "only needing 20.000$ for the funding" is not performing well and has a funding of "only" 10 times the initial funding goal, it is cancelled, because it's going to cost money.
Quoting: ThyuchevTo sell on kickstarter, a game has to have plastic miniatures. Making the molds is costy.
These days couldn't you use a high-end 3d printer?
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