Golf With Your Friends 2 has been announced by Radical Forge and Team17 bringing the next-generation of golfing chaos.
What to expect from it? So far they've revealed very little in the way of real details. It's going to go into Early Access first for about 6 months, so you're not getting a finished game right away. What we do know is that it will have new game mechanics, a weather system and cross-platform online multiplayer with the ability to build your own courses.
The eventual 1.0 release they say will have:
- 6 Courses.
- Cross-Platform Online Multiplayer.
- Cross Platform Level Editor.
- New Course mechanics.
- Weather Hazards.
- New ways to customise your balls.
- Level Up and Unlock Rewards!
Only 6 courses seems pretty content-light and the first game ended up with quite a few DLC, with Early Access planned to only have 2 courses, so we'll have to see how this goes.
The announcement trailer was a whole lot of nothing, simply to start the hype machine:

Direct Link
It's not entirely clear what platforms will be supported just yet. The first game did have Native Linux support, but we've seen a lot of games drop that in favour of Proton for sequels. Either way, it will probably work fine with Proton.
I don't see any gameplay here and from the pictures and video it looks pretty much identical visually to first one.
Seems content light also like mentioned...
Lets see i guess
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