New Year, New You: Programming Games is a fresh Humble Bundle with 7 rather great indie games worth picking up. All of the games included have Native Linux support too which is rare for Humble nowadays.
All the games included are listed below along with their Steam Deck rating too. But since they're Native Linux games, on desktop Linux they should all work great.
Steam Deck Verified
Build intricate supply chains to meet your feline customers' needs. Discover underground and air transport layers, a vast research tree, procedural worlds, machine learning, and endless automation in this relaxing, enemyless game.
You’re a machine learning specialist who makes neural networks but your cat seems to be better at it. Now you must solve puzzles to build a cat-to-human translation system (who knows what else this cat is capable of!). Earn a fortune, buy kickass cat outfits, learn how machine learning really works!
Automate swarms of office workers to solve puzzles inside your very own parallel computer made of people. A thrilling followup to the award winning Human Resource Machine. Now with more humans!
Program little office workers to solve puzzles. Be a good employee! The machines are coming... for your job. From the creators of World of Goo and Little Inferno.
Steam Deck Playable
The year is 1997. You used to be a hacker, but now you have the phage. You made a deal: one hack, one dose. There’s nothing left to lose… except your life.
Steam Deck Unsupported
But it does seem to work.
TIS-100 is an open-ended programming game by Zachtronics, the creators of SpaceChem and Infinifactory, in which you rewrite corrupted code segments to repair the TIS-100 and unlock its secrets. It’s the assembly language programming game you never asked for!
Check out the full package on Humble Bundle.
(Need to know to understand the following: I am software developer by profession.) When i couldn't cope with an optimisation puzzle, my 7yo daughter said to me, so I'm obviously not a good programmer.
I did beat the ten percent percentile today in this puzzle. Had to. :)

I like that you can compare your results to the ten percent percentile or the one percent percentile. ... When i couldn't cope with an optimisation puzzle, my 7yo daughter said to me, so I'm obviously not a good programmer.
Speaking as a silly amateur myself, FWIW: I've played TIS-100 a lot more than Exapunks -- though I think the same thing applies here: The best-optimized solutions in the top percentiles often (always?) rely on some shortcuts *specific to that particular puzzle*, so they don't necessarily correspond to a better algorithm *design*. If anything, they're more akin to compiler optimization tricks (rule out — decisively, or to a very high degree of probability? — that condition x will never be true, so don't ever bother calculating this or that value).
I don't think performing the latter sort of trick is the mark of a good programmer, at least not at the stage where his/her concern is a more general algorithm design.
(What *can* be a concern at that 'design stage', though, might be how your syntactical choices (or things that will come up in macro expansion in C) will trigger the compiler to perform some optimization tricks that it probably should *not* attempt. -- so, the exact opposite of preemptively optimizing.)
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