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Category: Crowdfunding

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Rejoice in 'Guts and Glory' in this comically gory survival racing game in Alpha state

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
Guts and Glory is basically the 3D version of the Flash game Happy Wheels and this is even acknowledged by its author, a single developer who started the project on his own during his spare time.

Upcoming RTS/FPS hybrid 'Abatron' will have a Linux demo before official release

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
Abatron developer confirms plans for Linux version of demo before the full release, which will be partially funded by Kickstarter campaign.

Hands-on with action puzzler BFF or Die, point & click COLUMNAE, and other crowdfunding campaigns

By flesk,
Some thoughts on the BFF or Die demo on itch, an early Linux build of COLUMNAE and a list of other games currently being crowdfunded.

HaxeFlixel, a free and open source cross-platform game framework needs funds on IndieGoGo

By Liam Dawe,
HaxeFlixel, a free and open source cross-platform game framework that was used in the creation of Defender's Quest is needing a bit of funding on IndieGoGo.

System Shock remake has blasted past the Linux stretch goal, officially coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I am sure this will be good news to many of you! The System Shock kickstarter has now blasted way past the Linux stretch goal.

Best Buds vs Bad Guys, the action platformer from a dad and son team has been fully funded and coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Best Buds vs Bad Guys is a very cool looking action platformer that is now fully funded and is officially heading to Linux.

Linux demo of the System Shock remake is now available on GOG

By Liam Dawe,
As promised, the Linux pre-alpha demo of the System Shock remake is now available to download from GOG.

Timbertales, a cross platform turn based strategy on Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter

By Thorben,
A new cross platform strategy game that is seeking funds on Kickstarter and votes on Steam Greenlight.

System Shock Pre-Alpha Demo now available on Linux, nearing stretch goal

By Liam Dawe,
As promised the System Shock Pre-Alpha Demo is now available on Linux due to demand for it and closing in on the Linux + Mac stretch goal.

Action adventure Buck is back on Kickstarter with Linux demo, plus crowdfunding round-up

By flesk,
2D action adventure Buck is on Kickstarter with a Linux demo, and so is dungeon crawler Wizard of Legend and fantasy LGBT VN Eldet. Plus more campaigns than you can shake a stick at.

Wizard of Legend seems like a promising 2D dungeon crawler, has a fun demo

By Liam Dawe,
Wizard of Legend is currently on Kickstarter and the great thing is that they built a demo game to show off, it has Linux support and it's pretty cool.

Best Buds vs Bad Guys, an action platformer made by a dad and son team on Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
Best Buds vs Bad Guys was sent in by the developer and I'm actually shocked by how cool a project it is.

imprint-X from Morgondag is now on Kickstarter, a causal puzzle game set on an Asteroid Base

By Liam Dawe,
Morgondag, the developer of RymdResa has launched a new Kickstarter for their puzzle game set on an asteroid base. That sounds pretty cool, so come take a look. I also have confirmation about an existing Linux build, awesome.

Nightdive Studios aren't sure when the Linux version of the System Shock remake will be available

By Liam Dawe,
I shot off a message to Nightdive Studios about their Linux plans for System Shock since Linux is a stretch goal. The reply doesn't fill me with confidence to pledge right now.

ZED by Eagre Games reaches the funding goal, developer thanks GOL and the Linux community

By Liam Dawe,
I'm never one to shy away from patting my fellow Linux users on the back, so here it is *pats*. Thanks to the Linux gaming community and our own contributor BTRE, ZED by Eagre Games has passed the funding goal on Kickstarter.

System Shock remake heads to Kickstarter, Linux is the first stretch-goal

By Liam Dawe,
While it's sad to see it as a stretch-goal, I have big faith in Nightdive Studios due to their previous good support of Linux. System Shock is being remade and it's probably going to be funded quite well.

Moonlighter, an Action RPG with shopkeeping elements is fully funded on Kickstarter and coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Always nice to see games that promise Linux support get fully funded. Moonlighter is an Action RPG with shopkeeping elements and it has been over-funded.

An interview with Eagre Games about their new game, ZED

I arranged an interview with Eagre to talk about ZED and their experiences with Linux and our community, including the decision to change support from a stretch goal to a base funding goal. ZED is an upcoming adventure puzzle game built with Unreal Engine 4 that’s currently on Kickstarter.

Kickstarter launched for Space Sandbox Avorion - Journey to the Center of the Galaxy

By Philipp Erhardt,
After 4 years of development, Indie Game Studio Boxelware launches Kickstarter for Avorion, a Space-Sim Sandbox Game for Windows and Linux. The game is planned to be available on Steam through the second half of 2016.

Nekro has been abandoned by one of the creators, the story isn't so clear

By Liam Dawe,
Nekro, a game funded on Kickstarter with $158,733 which isn't a small amount of money has been officially abandoned by one of the developers. Sadly though, the story isn't very simple.
Showing 540 to 560 of 878 entries found.