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SpeedRunners, a competitive action-platform runner which was originally going to be out for Linux before Christmas has been delayed. It now has no ETA.
In a very surprising turn of events it appears that winter has arrived in Finland and I think that calls for a very specific type of a game. Enter The Long Dark, a survival game set in the cold, dark forests of Canada.
Well this is pretty interesting news for players of Albion Online. The closed beta which you can buy into has been extended, and it won't be free to play after release now.
I love keeping an eye on Maia, as it's one of the only building sims that isn't going for some sort of retro style. Progress isn't quick, but each new release does push out some big new stuff, and this new release is no different.
Poi is the latest of a small handful of 3D platformers to release for Linux these last couple of months, and is worth a look for fans of 90s era 3D platformers.
I've been sent Sunken by a user, and I have to say it looks like quite a good addition to the action RPG genre, the good news is the developer is already planning a Linux version.
Starbound was already a huge and interesting game, and now they have released another massive update. With new combat, vehicles, new unique monsters and more.
I've been keeping an eye on Parkitect for quite some time, reading up on the development now and then as it looked promising. They have just release their Linux version, and it's already bringing back glorious memories of binge playing Theme Park.
I previously mentioned that the seriously cool looking Epistory - Typing Chronicles would come to Linux & SteamOS, but it's now out, and it just had a big content update too!
I’ve been meaning to try out Sheltered for a while, and this Sunday I decided to sit down and give it a go. I'm finding it to be quite a bit like This War of Mine, and it’s just as interesting. The game is currently in Early Access, but I've seen people already put tons and tons of hours into it.