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The CRPG set in a world where evil has almost completely won has gotten much love today. In addition to the new content that you can play right now, plans have been detailed about a major expansion due sometime later this year.
Contraption Maker came to Linux with the Humble Indie Bundle 14 back in 2015. I was gifted a copy some time ago and finally found some time to play it.
Man O' War: Corsair - Warhammer Naval Battles only added Linux support back on March after I poked the developer and now they have a final release date set.
Beat Cop looks fantastic, with a glorious mix of high quality pixel art and a setting inspired by 80’s cop shows. It launches on March 30th and it has a brand new trailer.
In another case of scammers trying to buy keys with often stolen credit cards to sell on websites like G2A, the developers of 'Factorio' have written about their experience with it.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, a top-down stealth game from Mimimi Productions released with day-1 Linux support. I have fond memories of games like Commandos, so is it any good?
Honestly, I had never heard of Silence until someone asked me in our IRC to look it up. I am glad they did, as Daedalic were more than happy to provide review access and this game is fantastic.
Tyranny is the huge new RPG from Obsidian Entertainment that myself and BTRE had the great pleasure of playing before release thanks to my contacts at Paradox Interactive, so here’s our thoughts.
Marooners is a casual multiplayer title consisting in a group of minigames where you have to collect treasures while trying to survive your friends' attacks and diverse environmental threats. There is an original mechanic that switches the game modes without warning, forcing you to quickly adapt to the consequent chaos.