The Journey Down has returned to our Linux gaming boxes with the promise of more pointing and clicking.
Sentris is a new kind of music game that puts you at the epicenter of musical creation. It's colourful and filled with great music, so what more could you want?
Micron has been out for Linux for a little while, but it hasn't seemed to gain a big following. Hopefully this new and updated Steam release will fix that.
The Makers Eden is a very interesting adventure game and the first time I've ever played a game like it. It's good, but not for those of you with little patience.
Gods Will Be Watching is a game that is quite hard to describe, and it's bloody hard as well. It's a pixel art point and click adventure game where you need to be quite brutal.
Unrest is an adventure RPG that adapts to death, failure, and the choices you make. Play as ordinary people struggling for food, safety, freedom, and a chance at peace. Explore an ancient Indian city using conversation, manipulation and (rarely) violence.
Back yonder in the days of yore, I poured hour after hour into my Tony Hawk games on the PS2. It was a catharsis long forgotten until now. Roll7 brings me back a bit with their title OlliOlli: a 2d retro skate-em-up. Unlike the skating games I used to play, OlliOlli drops world exploration for a more arcade-like experience focusing on keeping your combos up and your speed high.
Sokobond is an interesting take on the puzzle genre that involves science, and it looks rather nice.
Exciting news readers! Halfway the beautiful looking science fiction space strategy game is going to be released this month, and they have a shiny website for the game now.
Good news everyone! The Among The Sleep developers are now able to reproduce the game breaking bug that affects Linux gamers preventing them from playing, and they are working on a fix!
Quest for Infamy is a fantastic looking love letter to old school point and click adventure games with RPG mechanics and turn based battles thrown in for good measure.
After a rather long delay Dustforce now joins the many Linux games available to install and play on Steam.
Torchlight already exists on Linux but it cannot be found anywhere but the Ubuntu Software Centre! What about those of us who do not use Ubuntu? Why is this charming hack and slash action roleplaying game being withheld from our willing wallets?
LIMBO can finally be played natively on Linux thanks to Ryan "Icculus" Gordon and his porting magic. If you don't remember LIMBO came in a Humble Indie Bundle and caused a wee bit of a stir when people noticed it wasn't native.
Crystal Catacombs is a fantastic looking 2D Procedural Death Labyrinth that is now out for Linux and promises lots of death.
Working on these GOL Casts has allowed me to take a look at various games with different genres. Today we can add a new type of a game to the list as we check out this strategy game, which is originally based on a board game, called Hive.
Among The Sleep is easily one of my favourite game ideas to come out of Kickstarter, sadly though the release is plagued with graphical glitches for seemingly only nvidia users.
TowerFall Ascension the highly rated indie game is now officially available on Linux and with it comes a nice sale. Two of my favourites things a game and sale!
Bionic Dues is the pretty fun 2D mech combat game from Arcen Games that was previously Steam-only for us Linux gamers. Luckily now you can get it on Humble Store too!
Shipwreck is a top down adventure game in which you must travel the land, explore dungeons, and defeat monsters to earn safe passage off the island on which you are stranded. It's a nice little game and has had a price-drop as well as a Desura release.