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Mojang Offer No Hints As To When Scrolls Will Get The Promised Linux Release

By Liam Dawe,
Sadly Mojang have let us down again, after repeatedly stating their card-based strategy game Scrolls will come to Linux they still have no idea when.

Vlambeer's Procedural Death Labyrinth Nuclear Throne Now Available On Linux, Our Game-play Video

By Liam Dawe,
Nuclear Throne being on Linux is something I have been asking Vlambeer to do for a while now, and this month it finally happened! Nuclear Throne is a fantastic looking Procedural Death Labyrinth built in Game Maker: Studio.

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?

By Liam Dawe,
It's give-away Sunday on GOL! Strife is the new MOBA from S2 Games developers of Heroes of Newerth and the Savage series of games. They have a game called Strife in closed beta right now and we have 2 more keys to give-away!

GOL Cast: Bureaucracy At Arstozkan Borders in Papers, Please

By Samsai,
Sometimes it would be awesome if you were given a job based on a lottery like in Arstozka, but putting me in a position of an immigration inspector might not be a great idea. Oh well, let's just do what the state says. Glory to Arstozka!

Banished City-building Strategy Game Will Get A Linux Port

By Liam Dawe,
Well now, this was annoyingly missed by myself. The developer of Banished a pretty big indie hit stated openly on his blog that he will be porting to Linux & Mac!

SpeedRunners Will Be Coming To Linux!

By HadBabits,
Get ready to be competitive, it looks like the multiplayer platformer, SpeedRunners, is going to be on Linux! A developer from Double Dutch Games has confirmed via email that there are plans for a Linux port.

Entropy Space MMO Receives A Major Feature Update

By Liam Dawe,
Entropy is the great looking space MMO currently in early access that our caster Samsai recently took a lot at. Recently it received a major feature update to pad-out the experience for you.

Citizens of Earth RPG New Teaser, It Is Confirmed For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Citizens of Earth is a funny looking RPG from the developers of Waveform. Instead of recruiting a Mags you find a Baker, instead of a warrior you find a School Teacher and so on. It looks brilliant.

The Last Federation Space Sci-fi Strategy Game To Release On April 18th

By Liam Dawe,
The Last Federation is a very good-looking space strategy game (spaceship combat woo!) that we have previewed a few times for you. It is now nearing completion and will release in a weeks time! It will of course be Linux native too.

Supergiant Games Transistor, A Sci-fi Themed Action RPG Will Fully Support Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Transistor comes from the developers of the hit game Bastion and promises plenty of sci-fi action. They have confirmed for sure Linux will come, we just don't know when.

Groundskeeper 2, A Fast-paced Arena Shooter Out Now For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Groundskeeper 2 is from the same developers who gave us the fun Heroes of Loot and they have done it again! The game looks absolutely nuts and you are going to love it!

Planets³ Didn't Hit The Linux Stretch Goal, But The Developers Don't Want To Exclude Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Planets³ is a 3D open-world voxel-based RPG (first person view) on Kickstarter. It was over-funded, but sadly it didn't hit the Linux stretch goal. Thankfully the developers won't be excluding Linux gamers.

Wasteland 2 RPG Linux Beta To Come Next Week

By Liam Dawe,
The day has come post-apocalyptic RPG fans, Wasteland 2 the massive hit on Kickstarter is finally going to bring out the promised Linux version!

Interview With Pasi Kainiemi Developer Of Running With Rifles & Linux Game-play Video

By Liam Dawe,
Running With Rifles is a top-down tactical shooter that has hooked me in badly. If you haven't checked it out already now is a good time to do so.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games

By Liam Dawe,
Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 was already a good thing for Linux gamers, and now even more so with three more native games for Linux included as extras.

FLASHOUT 2 Looks Like A Great Futuristic Racer

By Liam Dawe,
FLASHOUT 2 looks like it will revive futuristic fast-paced combat racers and that's a pretty good thing. I have been waiting for a decent game like this to arrive on Linux and this may deliver.

ATTRACTIO First Person Puzzler Now Available On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
While ATTRACTIO has had a Linux icon on the Humble store for a while, it has only just received the Linux version.

Folk Tale Sandbox Fantasy City-Builder Nearing The Linux Release, Finally

By Liam Dawe,
Folk Tale has been a sore spot for Linux gamers for quite some time now, after initial excuses about graphics drivers the developers are finally closer to a Linux release.

Ballpoint Universe - Infinite, A Crazy Hand Drawn Action Platformer On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Sadly this one seems to have been missed, it was released last month for Linux, but as it's not a brand new game (only new to Linux) it didn't pop up as new to Linux on Steam. Ballpoint Universe Infinite is a shoot-em-up adventure game featuring artwork entirely drawn in ballpoint pen.

Get Even, A First Person Action Game From The Developers Of Painkiller & Deadfall Adventures

By Liam Dawe,
Eschewing the usual clichés and gung-ho settings currently inhabiting the FPS genre, Get Even subtlety removes the classic division between single-player and multiplayer experiences to unfold two linked stories.
Showing 7040 to 7060 of 7753 entries found.