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Project Zomboid working on Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
By now i am sure you have all heard of Project Zomboid, the zombie survival game. It is a java based game with a public demo/alpha out which doesn't actually work under Linux (come on it&#...

More Desura Information

By Liam Dawe,
Keith Poole has added a new blog entry on Desura to give new information on how the port is going. It includes screen shots of the wor...

Mini Spotlight: Balanced Annihilation Reloaded

By Liam Dawe,
Currently our second ever (I think) game spotlight, I have decided to make a little post about Balanced Annihilation Reloaded. Balanced Annihilation Reloaded will be a completely remodeled game for the

BEEP now on USC

By Rustybolts,
If your an Ubuntu user you will be pleased to hear that the Ubuntu Software Centres catalogue is continuing to expand and BEEP is now available to purchase from there priced at $9.99.

Achron updates

By Liam Dawe,
The time traveling based RTS game Achron is looking like it's nearing complete with the campaigns being pushed out and improved upon, just released is, which features a second camp...

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale

By Liam Dawe,
Our much covered favourite little indie game is nearing completion! QuoteHelena the 3rd is now in the final production stages, we have started work on our fin...

Puzzle Moppet now on Gameolith!

By Liam Dawe,
Gameolith my favourite new little Linux store has added another game which our readers should be familair with....Puzzle Moppet

FLARE 0.14, 0.14.1 and a new video!

By Liam Dawe,
Well it's been a while since i posted about FLARE the i have high hopes for this one type of game engine. Firstly they have a new major version out 0.14, which adds a main menu...

Blocks that Matter tech demo out!

By Liam Dawe,
QuoteThe Windows, Mac and Linux versions of Blocks That Matter are almost done and we still need time to prepare their launch. You can’t wait, neither do we, but we have good news for you : a playable tech demo!

Beep Released

By Rustybolts,
Upon the Launch of the new linux digital purchase site Gameolith, Beep is also now available to purchase for the first time on Linux for the price of $9.99.

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles

By Rustybolts,
Gameolith the new Linux digital download store have announced its starting lineup which will be live in 31hours and 16minutes at the time of writing. Update 13/07 The opening has been delayed another 24 hours due to paypal pr...

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 3

By Liam Dawe,
This is the final part in the interview with Keith Poole about porting Desura! Part 1 - click me

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura part 2!

By Liam Dawe,
The second part in my inteview with Keith Poole one of the Linux engineers at DesuraNET responsible for porting over Desura to Linux!

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter

By MyGameCompany,
Troy from my games company posted on our forums his teaser trailer of Dirk dashing 2. I have moved the full post to the news section so you can see the trailer in action. Cheers Rustybolts. Troys post

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store

By Liam Dawe,
Announcing Gameolith a new Linux game download store opening on 12th July! Details are sparse, the only info currently seems to be a couple tweets from people just tweeting it's existance, could this be a game changer...or another Tux Ga...
Showing 4500 to 4520 of 4720 entries found.