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Possibly one of the most relaxing and engrossing games release last year, Parkitect just expanded with a free update and a big Parkitect - Taste of Adventure DLC.
Sometimes a lot of newer strategy games can be a bit much, perhaps a little retro flavour is in order? Warlords I + II, two strategy titles from the 90's are now on GOG.
Now that Paradox Interactive own the rights to Prison Architect, with Double Eleven handling the development they've released the first PC DLC with Psych Ward: Warden's Edition.
Worthless Bums has just recently released the followup to their 2014 title Steam Marines, now in 3D and with an aim to be a more complex game than the original.
MOLEK-SYNTEZ, the latest engrossing puzzle game from Zachtronics had only a very brief time in Early Access to ensure it was nicely polished and now it's out in full.
DXVK continues maturing with another exciting sounding release now available with DXVK 1.4.5, bringing in some performance improvements and plenty of bug fixes.
OpenRA, the free and open source game engine to bring classic Command & Conquer titles like Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Dune 2000 and eventually Tiberian Sun to modern systems has a big new release up.
Releasing originally back in July, Fate Hunters is another deck-building roguelike filled with random encounters and just recently it was released DRM-free on GOG.
A world stitched together with a clumsy stuffed animal for a protagonist, a flying mechanical bug companion and a softly spoken rhyming narrator, the adventure game Woven certainly has a lot of initial charm and it's out now.
With a visual style inspired by papercraft, story telling like Dungeons & Dragons and XCOM-like combat options the new tactical RPG Wildermyth is out in Early Access on Steam.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition from Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montréal and Square Enix has been released today with a Linux port available from Feral Interactive. With an included port report.
This is a welcome surprise, Zachtronics have released another new game into Early Access. MOLEK-SYNTEZ is all about making drugs out of ordinary industrial chemicals.