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If you're a big fan of turn-based combat, looting and creating a character from tons of varied skills then Dark Bestiary is a game you might find quite interesting.
The Eternal Castle is a remaster of an old classic, except it kind of isn't. The story is a little peculiar but the game does look quite fantastic and it's available now on Linux.
Inspired by two games I absolutely adore, Galaxy Squad takes the node-based exploration and random events from FTL and adds in some turn-based XCOM-like combat.
Joshua Ashton released a small tidying up version of D9VK yesterday, fixing a few issues to give you a better experience with this D3D9 to Vulkan layer.
The fresh releases just don't stop rolling off the production line recently. Developer Philip Rebohle announced the DXVK 1.4.1 update tonight to clear up some issues from the recent big release.
Another Friday another tasty Wine development release is out with Wine 4.17, no pun this week as the bottle has run dry. What's with that blanc look on your face?
If you prefer to pick up your gaming fix from the DRM-free store GOG, you're in luck again. One of the best games all year, Streets of Rogue, is now available there too.
With Linux support same-day as promised, Cultic Games and 1C Entertainment have launched their lovecraftian themed horror RPG named Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones.
Oh no, this is going to be very bad for my free time. It was bad enough with Factorio having a huge update recently and now Mindustry is available on Steam.
After spending tons of time with Factorio recently, I needed something that used a little less brainpower to relax with and Astro Golf is a game that fits perfectly.
Orangepixel just released their latest game Space Grunts 2, keeping a similar approach to the original with the roguelike experience and turn-based battles only this time with cards.
After a successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2014 and some delays, the super stylish adventure game Jenny LeClue - Detectivu is officially out now with same-day Linux support as promised.
Police Stories from Mighty Morgan and HypeTrain Digital is officially out now and after a very short delay the Linux version has also been released too.