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The massive-scale space RTS AI War 2 has a new expansion out with AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss, and it seems Arcen are now finished with the game and moving onto their next project.
Do you want to play Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout on Linux or Steam Deck the easy way? Well, the community-built version of Proton named GE-Proton (formerly Proton-GE) has a new version out to do just that.
Released into early access on April 21, Terraformers is a game about growing and developing a network of cities on Mars, with the eventual goal of (what else) terraforming it.
Valve has now officially released the latest version of Proton, the Steam Play compatibility tool that allows Windows games to run on the Steam Deck and Linux desktops.
Well this is quite interesting. Framework Computer, the company that builds the fab modular Framework Laptop has announced the release of the Framework Laptop Mainboard.
Lumencraft is a brand new release from developer 2Dynamic Games that is going to suck up far too much of my time, and might be a new favourite run blast through on my Steam Deck.
Wine is the compatibility layer that allows you to run games and applications developed for Windows - on Linux (plus also macOS and BSD). A new development release is out now!
Godfall Ultimate Edition released onto Steam on April 7, a former Epic Store exclusive, and now thanks to the Steam release it runs very nicely on Linux and Steam Deck with Proton.