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Ready for a brand new driver release? NVIDIA has released version 510.47.03 as a new stable update adding in new features, new hardware support and bug fixes.
Wadjet Eye Games seem to be on a roll lately for Linux support. First we saw upgrades and new ports of The Blackwell Bundle, then Gemini Rue and now we have Unavowed. A good time to be a point and click adventure game fan.
Wadjet Eye Games continue getting their older published titles upgraded for Linux, after doing the same for The Blackwell Bundle we now have a modern port of Gemini Rue for Linux.
Today Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have done a surprise launch of the Prison Architect: Perfect Storm expansion. Plus, as always for Paradox, there's a free update out now too called The Tower.
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem is out now as a partnership between Timelock Studio and Croteam. It can run rather well on Linux, although you do need a quick adjustment for Steam Play Proton.
A little flying-disc on the go when you get your shiny Steam Deck? Windjammers 2 is out from Dotemu and it's absolutely brilliant, although I am completely horrible at it.
Supaplex, a game originally released back in 1991 now has multiple modern versions available on Steam and it seems the developers have now added Linux support years later.
Good news for the Steam Deck. IO Interactive have finally put HITMAN 3 on Steam, after the Epic exclusive period has finished and it works out of the box on Linux with Steam Play Proton.
It's actually called ---Red---Tether--> but that would look a bit odd in the headline. A new release from indie dev Sleeper Games, it's a thoroughly unique looking shoot 'em up with pretty fun looking gameplay.
Something that still doesn't quite feel right somehow is seeing the likes of a PlayStation logo on Linux. Anyway, the smash hit God of War is now on Steam and works right away on Linux.
The Anacrusis is a brand new release from Stray Bombay, and it's another entry in the swarm-shooter like Left 4 Dead and Back 4 Blood. Running it on Linux is possible too.
Monster Hunter Rise has just released on Steam today from Capcom and the good news is - it appears to run very nicely out of the box with Steam Play Proton on Linux.