Flockers is the brand new game from Team 17 who are known for their Worms series of games. In Flockers the sheep that Worms use as weapons are making their stand against the oppressive worm scum.
We know that the Trine Enchanted Edition major update to Trine will come to Linux, but we don't know when yet sadly. The good news is they may do a beta for the Linux version.
Sentris is a new kind of music game that puts you at the epicenter of musical creation. It's colourful and filled with great music, so what more could you want?
One of the developers of a ”next-gen” first-person mystery game The Vanishing of Ethan Carter tweeted out that they are looking into Linux as one of the platforms to release for.
Micron has been out for Linux for a little while, but it hasn't seemed to gain a big following. Hopefully this new and updated Steam release will fix that.
The Makers Eden is a very interesting adventure game and the first time I've ever played a game like it. It's good, but not for those of you with little patience.
Brand new to Linux is a funny little game called So Many Me. The game is a charming puzzle platformer that has great visuals and a chirpy main character.
A big Portal 2 mod is now for sale on Steam for Linux promising to expand the game rather a lot with new content. Complete with new characters and voice acting.
Triggerfish Drill Sergeant is the first game from Anglerteam Games which puts you in charge of getting a bunch of fish into the right formation, and it's weird.
Together: Amna & Saif has successfully funded on Kickstarter and added stretch goals including Linux Support. It is placed as the first stretch goal ahead of Mac support.
LIMBO can finally be played natively on Linux thanks to Ryan "Icculus" Gordon and his porting magic. If you don't remember LIMBO came in a Humble Indie Bundle and caused a wee bit of a stir when people noticed it wasn't native.
I have to hand it to Frogdice they create some truly unique games and Dungeon of Elements is no different! Dungeon of Elements is an RPG dungeon crawler with combat inspired by some of our favorite classic puzzle games like Dr. Mario or Tetris.