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Category: RPG

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Block-Breaker RPG 'Wizorb' Ships With FNA And Is Now On Steam For Linux

By flesk,
Tribute Games' unique Breakout-style JRPG has received the flibit-treatment and is now available to us on Steam for the first time.

Teaser Video Released For Upcoming Metroidvania Platformer Corpses 'N Souls

By flesk,
Side Scroll Studios have released a video to show off their engine, 2DEvolved, with some preliminary in-game footage from their upcoming action RPG metroidvania Corpses 'N Souls.

Brian Fargo Crowdfunds For Classic RPG Series Sequel "The Bard's Tale"

By scaine,
Wasteland 2 developers InXile Entertainment are back on Kickstarter for a third time and this time it's for a (proper) sequel to the classic 1980's RPG series, "The Bard's Tale".

Sword Coast Legends, A Dungeons & Dragons RPG Announced For Linux, Day-1 Linux Release

By Liam Dawe,
A new high quality RPG title 'Sword Coast Legends' is now confirmed to be coming to Linux, and it's going to be a day-1 release for us.

Warlocks Vs Shadows, 2D Action RPG Tested On Linux, Very Promising

By Liam Dawe,
I’ve taken some time to take a look at Warlocks Vs Shadows which is a really great looking 2D side-scrolling action RPG. I've taken quite the liking to it too.

Siralim, A 2D RPG Roguelike Updated With Linux Support

By Liam Dawe,
Siralim is a crisp looking 2D RPG with Roguelike elements that has just been updated to include Linux support!

Serpent in the Staglands, A New Party-based CRPG Available On Linux, Plus Initial Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Serpent in the Staglands is a pretty interesting looking CRPG that has recently released for Linux. It actually looks a bit like the old Baldur's Gate games, but plays out quite differently.

Legend Of Grimrock No Longer Works On Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 Series GPUs

By FutureSuture,
Going as far back as the 14th of February of this year, users have been reporting that Legend of Grimrock won't even start on their Linux powered gaming machines sporting GPUs from the Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 series.

OpenMW Version 0.36.0 Released

By Samsai,
The Morrowind game engine reimplementation OpenMW has taken another step towards 1.0. Version 0.36.0 doesn't bring much in the way of features for the game engine but has plenty of bug fixes.

Heroes Of Loot, A Mix Of Dungeon Crawling & Twin Stick Shooting On Steam For Linux, Initial Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Heroes of Loot is a 2D dungeon crawler with twin stick like shooting, I've taken a little look so that you know what to expect.

Adventure RPGs Hero Of The Kingdom I & II Released On Steam For Linux

By flesk,
The quest and resource based adventure RPGs were both officially released for Linux this week and the first one is currently available at a hefty discount.

Torment: Tides Of Numenera RPG Has A New Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
I love RPG games, so Torment: Tides of Numenera has me really excited! This new trailer is further extending my excitement, and it looks like I will enjoy it.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Has A Big Patch, Lots Fixed

By Liam Dawe,
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the latest entry into the Borderlands franchise that's on Linux, and even with the studio behind it being closed, a big patch has still surfaced.

Hero Of The Kingdom Should Arrive On Linux Soon

By Liam Dawe,
Hero of the Kingdom is a nice looking casual RPG, and the Linux release is almost upon us. The developers took to their Steam forum to keep everyone informed.

Divinity: The Original Sin Enhanced Edition Announced, No Linux Release Date

By Liam Dawe,
We knew that Larian was working on something big that stopped their work on the Linux version, and now we know what.

Victor Vran RPG From The Tropico Developers Released For Linux, Some Initial Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Victor Vran is a game I’ve been really wanting to see a Linux version, and while it was planned from the start to have one, I didn’t think it would be so soon!

First Trailer Published For Upcoming RPG Evoland 2

By flesk,
Developer Shiro Games have previously announced that Evoland 2 is coming to Linux, and have now released the official trailer for the upcoming game.

Two Worlds II Action RPG Will Apparently Still Be Ported To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
You might not remember, but we had the Publisher of Two Worlds II confirm to us multiple times that Two Worlds II would come to Linux, and then things got confusing, but now one of the actual developers has confirmed it will happen.

Dex, 2D Cyberpunk Action RPG, Exits Early Access

After a lengthy Early Access period, the 2D Open-world cyberpunk action RPG Dex has finally been fully released. With an interesting mix of visuals and gameplay this looks like it might be worth checking out.

Wasteland 2: Game Of The Year Edition Announced With Many Upgrades, Free Update

By Liam Dawe,
The best thing about this news is that it will be a free update. Wasteland 2: Game of the Year Edition promises to be full of goodies for us!
Showing 1720 to 1740 of 2110 entries found.