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Category: Sandbox

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Reassembly, A Spaceship Building And Combat Game Grows Up With A Big Update

By Liam Dawe,
Reassembly is easily one of our favourite games for a fantastic mix of good music, an extremely simple spaceship editor and fun combat. The developer has released a big update, and the game has grown rather a lot in a short space of time.

Space Sandbox Game Drifter Sees Major Update

Open-world sandbox space trading game 'Drifter' has seen a major release lately, bringing more content and polish to the game. Additions include the first implementation of space station interiors, five new ships and many UI improvements.

VoidExpanse, Open-world Space Game Enters Beta

VoidExpanse, an open-world space game with RPG elements, has reached beta status. In a recent blog post, the developer talked about its current status and future plans.

A Closer Look At The Upcoming Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines is an upcoming city-building game by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. It's getting exciting.

Egosoft's X Rebirth Actively Being Ported To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Egosoft have been detailing their porting X Rebirth to Linux with a series of forum posts. It's good to see them be open about it, and we look forward to testing it out.

VoidExpanse, A Great Looking Open-world, Science Fiction Action RPG Set In Space

By Liam Dawe,
One game we haven't mentioned before is VoidExpanse, and I'm not sure why as it looks like a great space game.

Massive Starbound Update Coming Soon, New Huge Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
It's not secret that Starbound hasn't updated their "stable" branch for a while, but that is going to end early next year with lots to come. The new trailer has me very excited.

StarMade, A Space Crafting Game Now In Steam Early Access, Minecraft In Space

By Chris from jersey ,
To sum the game up, it's Minecraft in space with a dash of Privateer and Wing Commander. Building ships (and bases) block by block.

Reassembly Is The Space Game I've Been Waiting For

By Liam Dawe,
Reassembly has just released the Linux version of their spaceship building and exploration game. We have tested it out and found it to be one of the most fun 2D space games around.

Space Colony Sim Maia Grows, New Version Out Today

By Liam Dawe,
Maia is a space colony sim with some lovely graphics, but lacking a little in content. Thankfully development is healthy, and a new version has been pushed out with tons of changes!

An Update On The Stonehearth Linux Port

By StianTheDark,
The city builder Stonehearth which reached their Linux stretch goal back in the Kickstarter campaign is closing in on the ports both to Mac and Linux, which will evidently happen at the same time.

Kinetic Void, A Space Sandbox Game Exits Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Kinetic Void is a 3D space adventure with a focus on customization and exploration. It has been on Linux for quite some time, but in the last few days that have polished it enough to exit early access.

7 Days To Die, A Sandbox Zombie Survival Game Finally Arrives On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It has been a bumpy ride, and that's putting it nicely, but 7 Days To Die is finally on Linux for us to enjoy some zombie smashing.

Factorio Multiplayer Released

By dnlbaines,
Factorio recently released multi-player support, which allows you to work together with several friends to build a factory.

Postal 2 No Longer Being Worked On By Icculus, RWS Taking It In-house

By Liam Dawe,
I'm a bit late on actually covering this, but any fans of Postal 2 will know that the Linux version is rather far behind Windows in terms of updates due to how busy Icculus is, so RunningWithScissors has taken it in-house.

Design & Battle With Your Own Spaceship In BossConstructor

By Liam Dawe,
BossConstructor is an indie game I've been waiting on for quite a while, and the Early Access release is upon us. Read on for some thoughts on this epic space game

Parkitect - What Roller Coaster Tycoon Should Have Grown Into

By Guest,
Parkitect is a sandbox theme park/roller-coaster tycoon inspired game coming next year. It was successfully crowdfunded too.

Developer Of SpaceChem Announces Sandbox Puzzle Game Infinifactory

By flesk,
Last week Zachtronics, the developer of SpaceChem and Infiniminer, announced their upcoming game Infinifactory.

Raze The Tower! Kerbal Space Program 0.25: Economic Boom Released

By neffo,
Kerbal Space Program has always been about building things. It has always been about those things exploding. Now - as part of the 0.25 update - it's about buildings exploding. (And plenty more besides.)

Starbound Development Is Very Healthy & Isn't Going Anywhere

By Liam Dawe,
With all the doom and gloom recently about games here's a nice one. The head of Chucklefish has created a blog post about how healthy Starbound is and will continue to be.
Showing 480 to 500 of 620 entries found.