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Valve continues to roll out new unstable releases of the Steam Client for Desktop and Steam Deck, with a new update giving the ability to move the on-screen keyboard.
In a case of what the heck? Square Enix and Luminous Productions just released Forspoken, which works on Steam Deck but it won't run on desktop Linux without spoofing it being a Steam Deck.
Want to play the new Steam release of Ghost Recon Breakpoint on Steam Deck? Or a Linux desktop? It doesn't run out of the box but here's how to fix it.
EA recently sent Origin to the graveyard and replaced it with the EA App, which caused numerous problems on Linux desktop and Steam Deck but it looks like the biggest problems are over on that.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is an upcoming mini expansion for the popular action-platformer metroidvania game from Motion Twin / Evil Empire coming early this year.
Another release of GE-Proton is already available, the third in the space of a week and GE-Proton 7-46 includes some DirectX 12 fixes for Steam Deck and Linux desktop.
The Wandering Village, a very unique city-builder set on the back of a giant creature recently had a major update that added in gamepad support which also helps Steam Deck too.
Hyper Gunsport released on Steam and with Native Linux support back in December 2022, and now the developer has sort-of rescued the original Stadia exclusive Gunsport with it.
Well, that's a nice surprise isn't it. Ubisoft did something good. They released a tiny patch, that enabled Easy Anti-Cheat so The Division 2 now works on Steam Deck and Linux desktop.
Nice to see more publishers taking a direct interest in Steam Deck. Assemble Entertainment recently sent out an email to talk up their games on Valve's handheld.
Formerly named Agape, GameImage is a way to package up games with either Wine or an Emulator into a portable AppImage that could be useful for the Steam Deck.