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Door Kickers from KillHouse Games heading to Linux soon!

By Liam Dawe,
Door Kickers is an innovative Real-Time Tactics game that puts you in charge of a SWAT team. With your help we can make this The Ultimate Swat Team Command Simulator. Analyze the s...

Ray's the Dead a new zombie game heading to Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
A story driven, action-stealth-puzzler where you create and control your own zombie army! I fell in love when the developers emailed it in. Linux and Mac releases from day 1 will be a stretch goal, so I dug to find out why!

Starbound reached $1,000,000 in pre-orders

By Bumadar,
The folks over at Chucklfish have announced on the Starbound website that they have reached $1,000,000 in pre-orders of their story driven sandbox game in outerspace for Mac, Linux a...

INSURGENCY team-based realistic FPS coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
INSURGENCY a team-based realistic FPS has popped up on Steam's Early Access with a promise of Linux support in the future! Hell yeah! About the Game INSU...

Hotline Miami to hit next month for Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
The Hotline Miami developers have let the world know next month will be a big patch along with the Linux version! Some nice compatibility fixes, windowed mo...

Starbound pre-orders open and explode!

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound begins with you fleeing your homeworld in a space shuttle, just as it’s destroyed by an unknown enemy. With nothing to guide it, the escape pod shoots into space without direction,...

Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter campaign successful, Mac & Linux confirmed!

By Liam Dawe,
Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter campaign has been successful and now Mac & Linux clients are also confirmed!

Left 4 Dead 2 is still on it's way for Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
Writing on the official blog the developers have noted that L4D2 is still coming to Linux! Which is great news since it was supposed to be the original title!

Skullgirls For Linux Confirmed

By @nlguve,
A couple of days ago I wrote an article here on GOL, to ask if we could show our demand for the game Skullgirls. ...

Train Fever, the 21st century Transport Tycoon, is coming to Linux

By muntdefems,
Urban Games, the Swiss team behind Train Fever, recently...

Eador: Masters of the Broken World confirmed for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Eador: Masters of the Broken World has been confirmed via a blog post to be coming to Linux thanks to Steam!

The Cave adventure game confirmed Linux support via steamplay!

By Liam Dawe,
This just in the developers of The Cave have confirmed via twitter that ...

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for Linux is in the works

By Liam Dawe,
Linux gaming really is coming along isn't it! Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is now confirmed to be coming to Linux a developer tweeted. Trent Oster tweeted this interesting bit of info: I have just signed the

IndieCity game client is coming to Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
IndieCity seems very much like Steam and Desura, it is an online distribution service with a client for games. Unlike Desura though it seems they have different things developers can hook into like...

Steam really is coming for Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
After many didn't believe Phoronix articles about Steam coming to Linux, it seems they were right all along despite Valve stating before it wasn't happening. Recently he published an email from a reader of his about Steam coming ...

Phr00t announces his next game

By Rustybolts,
Phr00t the maker of 3079 a futuristic, open-world action first-person role playing game which is available on Linux, announces his next game Gentrieve 2. Inspired by one of my favorite Nintendo games Metroid!   Quot...

IndieCIty - New game store coming soon!

By Liam Dawe,
Thanks to Ryan Swart on google+ i got notified about IndieCity. It is an online games store which will also have a downloadable client for Linux in the near future, they are focusing so...
Showing 5380 to 5400 of 5402 entries found.