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You probably don't remember, but I told you about The Last Federation in November of 2013. The Last Federation is developed by the same developers that created Bionic Dues, AI War and Skyward Collapse. Their newest game has finally been shown off.
In-Home Streaming was part of the SteamOS announcement Valve made back in September and beta invites to the functionality have been sent to some people around the internet. Luckily I was part of that group and I can share some of it with you!
You Have to Win the Game is a very interesting platformer game that has just been released on Linux. It's interesting because it's so retro it emulates old CRT screens (you know those screens we had before flat-panels) so it feels like you're playing on an old PC.
Finally, Starbound has been updated with a massive patch that not only adds the usual fixes and new items it finally adds in character backwards-compatibility, no more player wipes, rejoice!
Fancy Skulls the fun looking and a bit odd FPS game has released two point versions recently and we have the scoop for you. I also captured a little video so feast your eyes.
Mutant Gangland is a fast, neat and simple turn-based-strategy game where mutants fight robots . Build units, Conquer buildings and use them to Fund your army. Battles are short but the game packs 50 quick battles and a level editor to design your own maps.
I finally got the time to have a play in SCALE and capture it on video under Linux for you all, it has left me wanting more that's for sure. You may remember I introduced you to SCALE near the end of October.
Today, I bring to you a small video concerning Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers. I plugged in my Saitek X52 controllers in Ubuntu, fired up the game and started playing! I couldn't believe it would just work!
We told you it would come and it finally has, we got notified via twitter from the porter in question that Painkiller: Hell and Damnation now in beta and be sure to read the release notes.
In Spacebase DF-9, you'll build a home among the stars for a motley population of humans and aliens as they go about their daily lives. Mine asteroids, discover derelicts, and deal with the tribulations of galactic resettlement in Earth's distant future. Meteor impacts! Explosive decompression! Unbearable loneliness!