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There I am, in bed about to fall asleep when my phone lights up as I forgot to put it on silent. Thankfully so, as it turns out Valve just expanded the Steam Play whitelist and that's always a bit exciting.
DXVK, the awesome Vulkan-based D3D11 and D3D10 implementation that's used in Wine and Steam Play's Proton has just put out version 0.90 after the latest release of the Vulkan API.
Continuing the exciting Wine-related news tonight, DXVK for Vulkan-based D3D11 and D3D10 implementation that's used with Wine has a 0.81 version now available.
DXVK, which provides a Vulkan-based D3D11 and D3D10 implementation for use in Wine has a new build out. The pace of development on this continues to absolutely mesmerise me.
What started as a large article talking to developers about Steam Play required splitting off before it became too big. I give you, a chat with the developer of DXVK.