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Category: Wine

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Valve's Steam Play should work better today, as DXVK was left in debug mode causing a performance drop

By Liam Dawe,
It seems there was a bit of a woops with the Beta release of Valve's new Steam Play system Proton, which is now fixed.

Grab a glass as Wine 3.14 is out today with DXTn texture decompression support and plenty of fixes

By Liam Dawe,
The latest and greatest in fine Wine is out today with Wine 3.14 filled with features and the usual bug fixes including support for DXTn texture decompression.

DXVK 0.70 is out with support for Direct3D 10 over Vulkan in Wine

By Liam Dawe,
DXVK continues the amazing progress towards helping Linux gamers play their favourite Windows-only games on Linux.

CnCNet are providing Red Alert & Tiberian Sun with an updated renderer using OpenGL for better Wine support

By Liam Dawe,
A little different to what OpenRA are doing with updated gameplay on an open source game engine, CnCNet are providing downloads for Red Alert & Tiberian Sun that have an updated OpenGL renderer so they work better with Wine.

DXVK expands with Direct3D 10 over Vulkan in Wine, also info on the new Direct3D 9-to-11 project

By Liam Dawe,
There's so many incredible things going on around Wine right now it's hard to keep track. DXVK is now expanding to support Direct3D 10 over Vulkan in Wine. There's also a new Direct3D 9-to-11 project to convert Direct3D 9 programs to Direct3D 11.

DXVK 0.65 is out for Vulkan-based D3D11 in Wine, fixes for Monster Hunter World, Yakuza 0

By Liam Dawe,
DXVK continues to astound me in both the speed of development and just how much it can do. This Vulkan-based layer to provide D3D11 in Wine has matured with another new release.

The next release of DXVK for Vulkan-based D3D11 with Wine will use per-game configuration files

By Liam Dawe,
The developer of the very interesting DXVK project has mentioned that the next release is going to do away with environment variables in favour of per-game configuration files.

DXVK, the Vulkan-based layer for Direct3D 11 with Wine has another fresh release

By Liam Dawe,
The amazing progress with DXVK continues! This Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 11 with Wine just put out version 0.64 with fixes for Dragonball Xenoverse 2, Final Fantasy XV and more.

Wine 3.13 is out as well as DXVK 0.63 for D3D11 with Vulkan

By Liam Dawe,
First of all the latest Wine development release is out with Wine 3.13 and on top of that DXVK for Vulkan-based D3D11 in Wine also release version 0.63.

Prepare a glass for some more Wine as DXVK 0.62 is out with possible performance improvements

By Liam Dawe,
Grab a glass, open a bottle, as DXVK 0.62 for running D3D11 in Wine using Vulkan is now out with game fixes and possible performance improvements.

Grab a glass as Wine 3.12 is officially out of the bottle

By Liam Dawe,
Grab a glass or two as Wine is flowing. Today we have the release of Wine 3.12 as the latest development release.

DXVK for Vulkan-based D3D11 in Wine version 0.61 is out with improved performance

By Liam Dawe,
For those of you chugging back that Wine, you might want to update DXVK, as the Vulkan-based D3D11 compatibility layer for Wine has a fresh update.

Wine 3.11 and Wine Staging 3.11 both got released recently

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 3.11 (insert joke about Wine for Workgroups 3.11) is the latest development release of the compatibility layer allowing you to play Windows games on Linux.

DXVK for Direct3D 11 over Vulkan in Wine has a new 0.60 release

By Liam Dawe,
Summer heat got you parched? Why not wet your whistle with some Wine as DXVK has a fresh release out today.

winepak, a project to get Windows games packaged with Wine & Flatpak for an easy Linux installation

By Liam Dawe,
winepak is another interesting Wine-related project. One that aims to package up an assortment of Windows-only games that work in Wine using the power of Flatpak packages.

Want to play Track Mania Nations Forever on Linux using Wine? There's a snap for that

By Liam Dawe,
Track Mania Nations Forever, the free racing game from developer Nadeo can now be installed and run rather easily on Linux thanks to a Snap package.

Wine 3.10 is out with improved Vulkan support and more

By Liam Dawe,
Another interesting Wine release became available yesterday, with Wine 3.10 bringing more Direct 3D 12 and Vulkan work.

DXVK 0.54 released with improved AMD GPU performance, plus DXUP for D3D10 is a thing

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome DXVK project for Vulkan D3D11 in Wine has another fresh release out and it's a pretty good one. There's also another project called DXUP that can be used with DXVK.

DXVK for Direct3D 11 with Vulkan in Wine has another update with 0.53

By Liam Dawe,
DXVK advances so quickly it's really quite incredible, it had a release only a few days ago and here we are with another.

Wine 3.9 released adding in the start of Direct 3D 12 over Vulkan support with vkd3d

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 3.9 is now officially out and it's actually quite an exciting release, especially as it pulls in the recently release vkd3d for Direct 3D 12 with Vulkan.
Showing 460 to 480 of 680 entries found.