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Category: Wine

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Wine 2.0-rc1 released, also showing progress towards Overwatch working in a future Wine version

By Liam Dawe,
Recently Wine 2.0-rc1 has been released as the next step towards another major stable release of Wine. Additionally, the Wine developers have talked about ongoing Direct3D 11 development and getting Overwatch to work.

It looks like more classic Topware Interactive games are coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It seems Topware Interactive are continuing their Linux push with their classic games and I've noticed a few more that seem to be coming.

The Wine development release 1.9.23 is now available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released yesterday another development release of their software. Version 1.9.23 has many small changes including 32 bugfixes.

Wine allowed me to re-live a gaming experience I had from when I was a child on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Wine is a rather heated topic at the best of times, but I think we can all agree what the Wine developers have been able to achieve is nothing short of extraordinary. Wine enabled me to re-live an experience I had with a game as a child, and I felt the need to share it.

Septerra Core, an rpg from 1999 is another Wine-port from Topware Interactive

By Liam Dawe,
Septerra Core is another on the classic games list from Topware Interactive to gain an official Linux version using Wine.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.22 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.22 has many small changes including 25 bugfixes.

Speculation: A recent Mesa commit hints at a possible Batman: Arkham Origins Linux port (update: no it isn't)

By Liam Dawe,
A recent commit to Mesa that improves performance in radeonsi was emailed in, as it mentions Batman: Arkham Origins in a list of tested games, where all of them are native on Linux apart from that one game. Updated: no it isn't.

'Battle vs Chess' is yet another Topware Interactive published title to come to Linux using Wine

By Liam Dawe,
Topware Interactive have now put up a Linux beta for 'Battle vs Chess' that makes use of Wine. It's really cool to see them do this.

Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire now has a Linux beta available on Steam, uses Wine

By Liam Dawe,
Topware Interactive are continuing to bring over their older games to Linux using Wine, and that's okay. The latest is Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.21 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.21 has many small changes including 18 bugfixes.

'Enclave', the 2003 action RPG now has a Linux beta that uses Wine

By Liam Dawe,
'Enclave' is another Wine-port from Topware Interactive who promised to bring their older published titles to Linux. I'm totally okay with this, and it's currently in Beta.

The Wine Stable Release 1.8.5 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released yesterday sixth stable release of 1.8 branch of Wine. Version 1.8.5 has many small changes including 58 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.20 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.20 has many small changes including 18 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.18 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.18 has many small changes including 26 bugfixes.

The Wine Stable Release 1.8.4 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today fifth stable release of 1.8 branch of Wine. Version 1.8.4 has many small changes including 50 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.17 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.17 has many small changes including 53 bugfixes.

No Man's Sky has been shown to work rather well in Wine on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Not my usual sort of topic, but since it's proving popular it's probably worth highlighting. No Man's Sky the brand new survival sim from Hello Games works rather well in Wine on Linux.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.16 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.16 has many small changes including 43 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.15 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.15 has many small changes including 22 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.9.14 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
The Wine team released today another development release of their software. Version 1.9.14 has many small changes including 20 bugfixes.
Showing 560 to 580 of 680 entries found.