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Category: Wine

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The Wine Development Release 1.7.27 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.27 bringing many new features and as many as 22 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.26 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.26 bringing many new features and as many as 48 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.25 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.25 bringing many new features and as many as 35 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.24 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.24 bringing many new features and as many as 44 bugfixes.

The Team Behind PlayOnLinux & PlayOnMac Reveals PortMyApps (UPDATED)

By n30p1r4t3,
Interesting bit of news today, folks, as the teams behind the widely popular PlayOnLinux and PlayOnMac applications have announced their new service, PortMyApps.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.23 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.23 bringing many new features and as many as 42 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.22 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.22 bringing many new features and as many as 68 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.21 Is Now Available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.21 bringing many new features and as many as 77 bugfixes.

The Wine development release 1.7.20 is now available.

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.20 brining many new features and as many as 88 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.19 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.19 brining many new features and as many as 99 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.18 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.18 brining many new features and as many as 80 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.17 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.17 brining many new features and as many as 89 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.16 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.16 brining many new features and as many as 50 bugfixes.

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
System Shock 2 as promised some-time ago is now on Linux, one thing to note is that this game is a wine-port.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.15 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 53 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.14 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.14 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 56 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.13 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Wine developers surprised today world with an early release coming from development branch of their software. As always version number was increased, this time to 1.7.13. This action may surprise some people, but as always developers were able to push out many new features and 63 bugfixes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.12 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.12 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 89 bugfixes.

Oniken Action Platformer Released On Steam For Linux Using Wine

By Liam Dawe,
This is mighty interesting for Linux gamers, Oniken an action platformer has released itself onto Steam and it states it uses Wine for Linux & Mac.

Unity3D Web Player In Linux Browsers Thanks To Pipelight

By hardpenguin,
Unity3D provides us quite a lot of Linux games however it lacks one important thing, which is Web Player browser plugin, commonly used among game developers in making early demo versions of games. Pipelight is a project filling this gap!
Showing 640 to 660 of 680 entries found.