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Collabora have given an end of year update on how the work towards running the Windows compatibility layer on Wayland is coming along and it sounds good.
Another year is coming to a close and so the team behind Wine, the Windows compatibility layer, are readying up for another major stable release with version 8.0.
The Wine 7.22 development release is now available for the open source Windows compatibility layer, as they continue working towards the Wine 8.0 release.
ProtonUp-Qt is a simple and easy to use application that helps you install various compatibility layers on Steam Deck and Linux desktop, with a new release version 2.7.5 out now.
DXVK, the translation layer that converts Direct3D calls to Vulkan for use with Wine and Proton, has a big new release out with version 2.0. This is one of the ways that Proton performs so well for Windows games on Linux desktop and Steam Deck.
GE-Proton (also known as Proton GE) as a community-built version of the Proton compatibility layer to run Windows games, with a new release out now and FSR is back.
While you might struggle to get in due to ongoing server issues, Overwatch 2 is out now free to play and it can run quite nicely on Steam Deck and Linux desktop. Here's how to get Overwatch 2 installed and running.
Bottles is the awesome free and open source app to help you manage the Windows compatibility layer Wine. A fresh release is out now with version 2022.9.28.
Recently, there were was an upgrade to the client that caused it to break on Linux desktop / Steam Deck but it seems the issue is thankfully solved now.
Wine, the translation layer that allows you to run applications and games designed for Windows on Linux has a new development release up with Wine 7.18.
Two very popular open source compatibility layer projects from developer 'GloriousEggroll' are out now, with updates to both GE-Proton and Wine-GE-Proton too.
This is the compatibility layer that allows you to run various Windows applications and games on Linux (and forms part of Steam Play Proton). Once a year or so, a new stable release is made but the development versions are usually fine to use.
Here's an update I missed recently somehow. Bottles, the application you can use for managing various Windows games and apps installed with Wine had a fresh update with a fancy new Library Mode.
Slightly later than they usually put up the releases, the Wine team released Wine 7.16 on August 28th bring new features and bug fixes for the Windows translation layer.