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DRM free vs Steam
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Shen Sep 28, 2015
I think the matter of DRM is really complicated. As a Consumer personally I hate DRM thats going overboard and hinders the rightfull buyer to use software as it was intended. Like 3rd Party DRM ontop of Steam or the Starforce DRM which 8 years ago completely wrecked my Windows installation several times. On the other hand as a Developer you somehow want to atleast protect your software a little. Frankly it's a matter of Days if at all before those mechanisms are hacked, but the first Days after Launch are the most important. Even CDPR themselves used some kind of "DRM" on their Witcher 3 CD's.
So going forth and back I compromised by using Steam because it has the most (all) Games available and it's really easy to use, Cloud Backups, organised Library etc. And I also (somewhat) believe that if they should go bancrupt sometime in the future (highly unlikely) they have a solution ready.
Sure I could buy from GoG and then backup everything, but that would mean costs for the Storage and maintaining a redundant Backup. I can't even use my old Game CD's right now because I don't have a Drive right now :)
I mean GoG could also fail and I would have to make sure the Backup Drive doesn't go to hell or everything would be lost as well.
So in the end nothing ist guarenteed, but the good time I had playing all those Steam-Only games and the fond memories I still have can't be revoked again :)
GustyGhost Sep 29, 2015
Quoting: wolfyrionSo you suggest to me :


Well I am sorry to say that but I am gonna play and enjoy the game - get my jump scares , laugh a lot about myself and have a lot of fun kicking some Alien ass... ^_^

Cheers :D

This just reminds me so of a similar argument:

"So you suggest to me :


Well I am sorry to say that but I am gonna eat this lard and enjoy it - get my beetus, rub my tummy and have some fun stuffing my face... ^_^

Cheers :D"

Sure, you enjoy it in the here-and-now but it does not decrease the significance of the long term damage being done. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want but try to think of the future, think of others. It all makes an impact.. maybe at least repurchase the DRM-free version if/whenever it does go DRM-free?
wolfyrion Sep 29, 2015
Meh food is not a good example ...

I could give you a better example :D

Lets say that GOG is an old fat woman that knows how to cook and keep the house tight and STEAM is Victoria's Secret Angels Models that you can enjoy your night with them but you may starve at the end or have your house in a total mess

Steam Linux games and Steam developers need support as well. As you can see most of the developers deliver first a Steam version and then a GOG version of their games so is good support both. I think is fine to have this "split" between GOG and Steam users since we both support the developers in one way or another.

However, there is a wishlist on GOG about importing the steam library of each user from Steam to GOG but I dont thing that will ever happen :P
Hamish Sep 29, 2015
The question your post raises for me wolfyrion is why you waited so long for Alien: Isolation to come to Linux at all, rather than just playing it a year ago when it came out for Windows. Obviously you have placed some kind of value on Linux that overrides your desire to play the game simply on its own merits as entertainment. As you say life is short, and it is not much of a stretch from accepting DRM out of convenience to accepting the use of the most supported operating system in the world out of convenience.

What about Linux is so valuable that it makes you wait and DRM so inconsequential that it can be safely ignored?
wolfyrion Sep 29, 2015
Quoting: HamishThe question your post raises for me wolfyrion is why you waited so long for Alien: Isolation to come to Linux at all, rather than just playing it a year ago when it came out for Windows. Obviously you have placed some kind of value on Linux that overrides your desire to play the game simply on its own merits as entertainment. As you say life is short, and it is not much of a stretch from accepting DRM out of convenience to accepting the use of the most supported operating system in the world out of convenience.

What about Linux is so valuable that it makes you wait and DRM so inconsequential that it can be safely ignored?

wow.... please dont confuse OS with GAMES

GAMES = All games at my opinion are actually a waste time if I have that time to waste!

OS = You already know what is an OS I assume, otherwise search on wiki :P (j/k)
In short is the system software that I use all day , using it for work, provides me money, sending emails , communicate with people, doing my personal things + a lot of other things and is certainly not for entertainment.....
ALL my work and life is on my PC encrypted and secure(hopefully).

I could easily buy another pc and using it to play Window Games but I really cant stand windows any more.

I am doing a lot of support and maintenance everyday to my customers and every time I see that M$ Windows 10 I want to throw out the whole computer.
Hamish Sep 29, 2015
I for one do not consider human expression to be a waste of time. I do find it interesting that the people who are willing to forgo games on principle seem to have a higher opinion of the medium in general, while those to that can't stand being without them are the most likely to disparage it.

My point still stands. You refuse to use Windows even though for gaming it is the most competitive platform. We refuse to use Steam even though for Linux gaming it is the most competitive platform. Almost all of the arguments I have seen in defence of Steam I have also seen being used in defence of Windows. There really is no distinction. You made a choice to deprive yourself of games out of conviction. We do the same, only for different reasons.

The least you can do is show a little solidarity towards your fellow kooks. Because really, to most of the world, that is exactly what we both are.
wolfyrion Sep 29, 2015
My apologies but I didnt understand what you mean by Human Expression.....
Human Expression in Games :o???? like jump scares and laughs etc??

let me tell you something...

My life before years ago was :
The only game I was playing was World Of Warcraft 7 years non stop PVE and PVP -> playing rank 14 PVP Warrior.( almost a month pvp 24h non sleep to get that rank)
That was the only thing I care about ! if WoW Was running and playing fine I didnt care about OS or what the hell was going outside of that... Yes I know it sounds pathetic but WoW was the new DRUG at that time.

Yeap I had a lot of fun, 100 + more of online friends in wow , Every raid was fun , amusing, sometimes our guild leader was yelling etc. enjoying every moment , making fun of the weakling and enjoying our superiority over the masses because when you are the TOP Guild of the server you are ELITE!!!

After some serious incidents in my real life some things have totally changed
Not that I regret that times but at the end of time everything was just pixels and some online friends which I never saw again in my whole life.

Now my life is

Family and Friends --> Work --> Martial Arts-> Yoga -> Medidation-> GYM -> Dance -> any other social activities and at the end of my list is --> GAMES

As about emotions and expressions...
My real life covers me completely :)
( hugs,the lovely smile of my girl, dance with the people I love , going to parties , drink a beer with my best friends , watching my 4 year old grandson with his karate uniform and a lot more... )

Anyway maybe I am too old for gaming :)

I guess enough about all this everyone has its own believes and reasons of what he likes to use STEAM , GOG , Linux, Windows etc No one is going to force anyone to use Steam Or GOG or whatever OS is out there.
We have freedom and we are free to choose whatever we want.

Btw if I said something bad in my previous posts my apologies for that...

I will just close that by saying just happy Linux Gaming ;)
throgh Sep 29, 2015
Quoting: wolfyrionI guess enough about all this everyone has its own believes and reasons of what he likes to use STEAM , GOG , Linux, Windows etc No one is going to force anyone to use Steam Or GOG or whatever OS is out there.
We have freedom and we are free to choose whatever we want.

But that's the problem: By choosing only one dedicated plattform you automatically reduce the freedom for yourself and others. By choosing DRM you show the publisher that you have no problem with that and that's all couting. They count in numbers, nothing more, nothing less!
Avehicle7887 Sep 29, 2015
I kinda understand where wolfyrion is coming from, not using Steam at all can be hard for those who want to play the latest games and get all the features the client offers. I never liked the client but still fell and bought all the games that I couldn't find elsewhere. It can be really difficult to abandon it completely.

I used Steam for only 4 months and then switched to full GOG (and sometimes Humble Bundle), it was just as hard as completely removing Windows and giving up some games, but 1 year later here I am a full fledged Linux user and 3 years DRM-Free gamer.

I still browse the Steam store sometimes, to me downloading a game through the client is no different than downloading the games from the GOG website, so if a game is DRM-Free on Steam and not available on GOG or anywhere else, I'll consider that a deal.
Shmerl Sep 30, 2015
Quoting: BdMdesigNI can understand you, thats you want your games on GOG, but you don't get all titles on GOG.

The best exemple here is Wolfenstein the New Order and his successor.

So why you don't get it on GOG? The reason is the publisher and his legal department, who can not read the German law correctly and understand.

Good, so I won't buy those games. I'm not interested in supporting publishers who don't want to release games DRM-free. That's why buying on GOG is perfect - you get DRM-free games and support those who release DRM-free.
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