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[SOLVED] Grid Autosport, unable to go online
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kokoko3k Jan 21, 2016
As soon as i try to go multiplayer, after the game verifies the racenet account, a message appears:

"You lost your connection to the session".

I see people saying they've no problem to go online, but in this topic:
...another fedora user have the same issue, so i think it may be a package upgrade issue, but i'm on Arch...

Anybody can confirm?
edddeduck_feral Jan 22, 2016
We have seen rare issues with people going online (we've see a few reports on Mac and Linux too). We have not managed to reproduce any issues at all and we have tried a few times.

However please do contact us wth your details we can note them down so we can see if we can build up any correlation between the few people reporting the issue. So far the only thing we have seen on Linux is none of the people reporting the issue are using Ubuntu or SteamOS (i.e. unsupported distros) however the pool of people reporting this issue is tiny so we only have a few setups so the more information people can send to support the better.
kokoko3k Jan 22, 2016
I already contacted Feral about that in the past and provided all the info requested.

Thanks for answering, really.
Xpander Jan 23, 2016
just a weird thought ..whats in your /etc/hosts file?

do you have your hostname there? localhost.localdomain localhost arch

like mine is arch

i remember having issues in the new Unreal Tournament game when hostname was not set, servers didnt show up etc.

might be worth a try
kokoko3k Jan 24, 2016
Unfortunately it seems fine, but thanks for trying:
# grep /etc/hosts               localhost.localdomain   localhost slimer               google-analytics.com

Are you able to play multiplayer on arch with autosport?
Xpander Jan 24, 2016
Quoting: kokoko3kAre you able to play multiplayer on arch with autosport?

yes, been playing without issues

i have no idea whats the cause for you then :/
kokoko3k Jan 24, 2016
I'm completely lost; i tried two different arch installations on two different machines, different internet link, but with the same issue.
Xpander Jan 24, 2016
Quoting: kokoko3kI'm completely lost; i tried two different arch installations on two different machines, different internet link, but with the same issue.

can you log into the racenet? maybe you have some weird password that will get refused by the game?


do you have DIRT showdown? you can test with that also, it has also racenet
kokoko3k Jan 25, 2016
Yep, racenet works without issues, and the password is quite standard,, 8 chars, numbers, letters and one uppercase...
kokoko3k Jan 25, 2016
The story goes on,
I made an arch container and "booted" it with systemd-nspawn.
In this container i just installed the "base" group, nvidia drivers and steam.
Guess what? same problem.
kokoko3k Jan 25, 2016
Ok, i managed to find the problem.
It is the vmware virtual nic device:
# ifconfig|grep vmnet
vmnet1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
vmnet8: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500

Disabling them makes grid autosport happy.
Found that, i tried to create a vpn (shown as a tun0 interface) and it also creates problem, just like vmnet*.

It is definitely a byg that need to be solved...
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