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[DONE] Using web fonts for the site
Shmerl Apr 25, 2016
After recent update in Debian, fonts started looking somewhat different, and I noticed that the site became messed up, because I didn't have Open Sans installed in my system. On Debian it's packaged into some horrendous huge LaTex related package. I installed it manually from here:

Please use Web fonts for it (either from your own domain, or from Google Fonts if you like that more). This way the site won't rely on assumption that such font is installed already.
Liam Dawe Apr 26, 2016
That's weird pretty sure it comes as default in Ubuntu. I've never had an issue with GOL on any distribution with fonts.

We also don't rely soley on that font, we have a list of fonts it will try:
"Open Sans", "Source Sans Pro", "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
Shmerl Apr 26, 2016
It wasn't really unreadable, just the used font that system fell back to even before getting to Arial which I have, was rather obscure TeXGyreHeros. And it has some rendering artifacts (like letter i blending into single line and so on). I don't have Helvetica Neue by the way.
Liam Dawe Apr 26, 2016
So, you don't even have Helvetica installed? That's what mine is currently using as it seems I don't even have Open Sans myself actually, and I just tried it and I think Open Sans looks terrible.
Shmerl Apr 26, 2016
How did you install Helvetica? It looks like some proprietary font, not included even in ttf-mscorefonts-installer package.
Liam Dawe Apr 26, 2016
Ah probably from when I installed restricted extras on Ubuntu.
Shmerl Apr 26, 2016
Some alternatives are discussed here:

Interestingly, they mention Tex Gyre Heros, and somehow Debian figured out that it's close enough. I wonder how. If only it rendered properly, the actual font is not bad. I tried playing around with fontconfig for it, but so far with no major difference.
Liam Dawe Apr 26, 2016
Okay, well I've switched it over to using the Ubuntu font and using the google code font thingy. Should make it so this sorta thing never happens again.
Liam Dawe Apr 26, 2016
Okay now it's using the Ubuntu font.
Shmerl Apr 26, 2016
I think Open Sans was actually better :) But fonts perception is subjective. Better ask wider audience about it.
tuubi Apr 26, 2016
My vote for Open Sans over Ubuntu as well, but as Shmerl said, this is entirely subjective. I might just use something like the Stylish plug-in to revert the change locally.

EDIT: The site is definitely less legible now for me on my gaming setup, where I sit a couple of metres from the 40" TV screen.
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