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Doom 2016
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1xok Jan 22, 2017
Quoting: UncleivanIm trying to run doom steam version via wine staging and playonlinux on antergos and a GTX 1080 and the game doenst run either with the regular exe or vulkan exe. Is there anything specific i need to do?

Sorry, I do not understand what you're doing. The only exe you have to call is the exe of the steam installer (exe or msi).

Under Xubuntu 16.10 I just use the official PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds
sudo apt-get update

Then I've installed steam under wine. For example:
wine start SteamSetup.exe

After that I just started my steam client under wine (over the desktop icon wine has created) and launched Doom. (Need some time to download.)

That's all I did.

For optional Vulkan support I've installed:
sudo apt-get install libvulkan-dev libvulkan1 vulkan-utils
Uncleivan Jan 22, 2017
Yes i get a playonlinux bottle crash notificação whenever i try to run It
1xok Jan 22, 2017
Quoting: UncleivanYes i get a playonlinux bottle crash notificação whenever i try to run It

Never tried playonlinux so far. Sorry, can't help with this.
Uncleivan Jan 22, 2017
Fixed it, ran a clean install,

Used the FAQ in the link, game runs out of the box, perfect performance with vulkan.

Julius Jan 22, 2017
Just a small hint for those who thought a 32bit steam install would work and don't want to download the 60GB again in a 64bit steam wine bottle (as moving the files will not work if you have insufficient hard-drive space to initialize the installation again):

Just add another steam library folder that references the steamapps folder in the 32bit wine bottle and it will work fine.
1xok Jan 23, 2017
Quoting: UncleivanUsed the FAQ in the link, game runs out of the box, perfect performance with vulkan.

Congratulation! :)

It seems I had problems with the 375.20 binary driver. The game has hung-up during load screens when I used vulkan. After updating to the 375.26 driver I can't reproduced the problem any more. Played 2h with vulkan without any problems. The game runs very smoothly. Have played Doom 20 years ago. What a fun! :)
Grimfist Jan 23, 2017
Hoping in here to report that I have it now up&running with PlayOnLinux and a new 64bit prefix and Wine 2.0RC5-staging. I copied over the game files from my windows partition which worked without problems. The game runs fine and I haven't had any crashes or hangups for now. I'm very glad that I can play this jewel on Linux now. :D
1xok Jan 24, 2017
Snapmap and multiplayer seems to work now. Quick test with 2.0RC6-staging. I can choose this options now without crashes. The game also has created a Doom SteamID for me. :D

Have not found a public party yet. I need to set something in the game options I think. Will try on weekend.

I saw only a few minor graphic glitches. It runs very stable with nvidia binary driver 375.26. I've been playing for several hours.
Ehvis Feb 1, 2017
Wow! I actually read most of that post before realising it was spam. That's probably the longest it ever took me. Good effort. Not good enough though.
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