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Age of Wonders III missing symbols and text, won't load maps
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Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
Hey there. I've recently built myself a new computer and unfortunately find myself unable to play Age of Wonders III.

The launcher doesn't show any text or symbols. I can't log in with my usual account, I checked the box that used to say "guest account" to skip that.

The game used to load super slowly, but turning on debug mode and disabling the overlay fixed that. Now I can get to the menu, but every single option says "NOT FOUND", with a few "NULL" thrown in here and there. If I navigate through the menus, I can get to the character creation phase. The name of my character is shown, but the rest of the text is blank, except for the text at the top of the screen, which reads: "dataObject.header not set"

Finally, upon trying to load the map, all I get is a black screen while the music keeps playing.

I used steam to "verify the integrity of game files" in the properties menu. It returns "26 files failed to validate and will be reacquired", yet nothing seems to happen, now matter how many times I do this.

This problem has persisted through a reinstall of my OS, so I've already tried just redownloading the game from scratch.

It seems I'm missing critical game files yet steam doesn't want to fix it. I wonder if anyone else has encountered this problem?

This game used to work perfectly for me before.
Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
I tried more things. I tried running steam with steam-runtime and steam-native, it didnt' work. I tried switching my steam server to another location. Interestingly, all files validate just fine when my server is Toronto, but the problem persists with Pheonix. Of course in both cases the game still has the same issues...

Turning off debug mode didn't affect anything, so it was really the overlay causing the initial crash.
wolfyrion Feb 5, 2017
well since I cant check your PC info I cant help that much , the only thing I can say is that it works fine on Manjaro

Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
I'm on antergos with every package updated.

My specs:

Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB
8 GB Ram
Asus Z170-P

On a previous installation I was running KDE. Now it's XFCE. Didn't work in either case.

Any idea what font the launcher is using? Sounds stupid but if I could at least see the options in the launcher, it might help me mess with settings and see if I can fix this.
Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
So I've made some progress. I was actually launching the game while logged in with i3, which I installed on top of XFCE antergos. For some reason, switching to XFCE for my session made it so now the launcher doesn't even start. I navigated to the AoW3 folder and tried to start the game directly. It fails to start and spits out:

./AoW3_Debug: /usr/lib32/ no version information available (required by ./AoW3_Debug)
./AoW3_Debug: /usr/lib32/ no version information available (required by ./AoW3_Debug)
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 226840
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197983538909 [API loaded no]
UserPath set to: \home\*REDACTED*\.local\share\AoW3\
Build Number: 20914 - Build Time: UnknownDate UnknownTime -STEAM BUILD
SignIn parameter: (null)
[OpenGL] NVIDIA Corporation : GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/PCIe/SSE2 (3.1.0 NVIDIA 375.26) GLSL: 1.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[ERROR]Failed to load user profile...
Initialize took 207 ms
Destroying Window..
Terminate duration: 0.011 seconds

Both and are present in my /usr/lib32 folder. I have no idea what to do at this point but I guess these might be causing the problem.
wolfyrion Feb 5, 2017
btw in order to use steam runtime you have to run steam like this

steam %U -runtime

if that doesnt help I think there is a solution on AOW Forums
Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
That's interesting. The steam runtime doesn't seem to fix things, and starting the game with the proper 64 bit libraries in the game's folders still produce the same errors, while putting the equivalent 32 bit libraries in the folder skips the warning but now AoW3 simply doesn't start. Without any error message.

In fact using steam-native is what seems to allow me to launch the game with the all the "NOT FOUND" text. It's only when I'm using the runtime that it doesn't get that far.

Antergos has an option to have it install steam for you. I suspect there's something wrong with that script that is screwing up my runtime. I'll try to reinstall steam on my own.

EDIT: Nope. Screw this, I'm installing xubuntu. Urgh.
wolfyrion Feb 5, 2017
Install Manjaro :P
Skarjak Feb 5, 2017
I might. Apparently the GTX 1060 3GB isn't super well supported yet. I have only been able to successfully install antergos on this thing. Seems like ubuntu-based distros might be using a version of the nvidia driver that doesn't support my card yet, so they just give me a black screen when I try to boot the install media.

All this because there's one game in my library that doesn't work!
Skarjak Feb 6, 2017
One of the staff at triumph helped me solve my problem. Antergos set my locale as en_CA when I installed, but didn't even enable en_US. This would not have happened if I'd done a manual archlinux install... Anyway, the game requires en_US to be turned on.

I see now why I couldn't find a lot of info. It had to be a Canadian linux user who wants to play AoW3 with a distro that doesn't enable en_US by default. Pretty obscure.

I think I'll stick with pure arch from now on.
Colombo Feb 7, 2017
I will hijack this discussion a bit.

What do you people think about this game? I was and still am huge AoW 1 fan, although later instalment spoiled a bit fun from this game with that weird 3D things.

But AoW3 goes even further with its 3D stuff and a lot of models look a bit ugly. You know, like these games from early 3D revolution, when everything went from 2D to 3D, but looked very ugly.

Additionally, while AoW1 maps were well crafted, I just don't have the same feeling from AoW3 maps. AoW1 maps had a lot of local story packed into each map. Signposts, monsters roaming dark forests, revolutionaries pillaging farms, goblins attacking halfling towns...

Additionally, because everything needs to be very detailed, even every ground tileset, I found that I just can't recognize terrain from units. You know how good strategies are designed so you can see everything with quick glance? So you can't miss enemy or your units standing next to town? Or that you can recognize active place (well, magical tree, mine) from just map graphics? I just can't. I had similar problem with later HoMaM instalments (5, 6).

Also, the map dimension is weird. In AoW1, you could have relatively tiny maps and still full game with advanced spells and late-game units. Here it seems that due to weird terrain placement, small maps are just rush. And due to TB games being too slow, I just don't have that much time to play these long games, but I still want late game.
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