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HiDPI will soon be properly supported one day
Creak May 28, 2017

I've read this news on Fedora MAgazine:

It's nice to know that there are conscious of the problems of the current implementation and that they're currently working on better solutions! At last, we will have proper HiDPI support for our HiDPI displays!
fryk Jul 6, 2017
Let's hope so. Although I don't really have much issues using Xubuntu 16.04.2. There was some fine tuning with some browsers / thunderbird, but almost all applications adjust quite well. The only app I do use regularly that is really really bad and no acceptable solution is the steam client. I hope this will change with the coming update. Compared to Win 7 or 8 HiDPI on most Up-to-date Linux distros works like a charm! At least in my opinion and with a single Monitor setup. But, as always, there's room for improvement. So, I'm looking forward to it, too.
Creak Jul 6, 2017
I don't have the same experience ;)

The integer factor is definitely a problem for me now. I guess that if you have a 30"+ 4K monitor you don't hit this problem, but I have a 27" 4K monitor and a factor of x2 is just too big, while reducing the font size is a mere workaround that doesn't really work because it's just the font, not the whole UI around, so you get tiny close button next to a big window title => definitely not good looking.
fryk Jul 6, 2017
I do use an ASUS PG27AQ Monitor, thats 27" too. It may be, that XFCE handles it differently? But nevertheless, better 4K support would be awesome. Because beeing used to it, I never want to go back! Whenever I have to switch back to a non-HiDPI monitor I feel like I need glasses! :-D
Creak Jul 6, 2017
Maybe xfce handles things differently than GNOME 3. I thought the base was the same though (GTK).

And yes, when you get back to a classic 1080p display, it feels weird and all pixelated :D
Liam Dawe Jul 6, 2017
Im hoping woth the Steam UI refresh coming that they might finally fix the client for hidpi...
slaapliedje Jul 7, 2017
Oddly I've had the opposite experience in Linux, any of my HiDPI monitors seem to work quite well. One thing I've noticed under Gnome 3 though is that Qt based applications will go mega-font on you when you start unplugging and then plugging in monitors (I have a 4k laptop and plug it into a 2k+1080p screen).

Then again, I also have found that when restarting/shutting down the computer in Gnome 3, the Qt applications just close out then I have to click on the restart/power off button again. Very odd bug. Would be nice if I could get a GTK application that worked the same as Quassel, and of course something that could replace Hipchat. Pretty sure those are the only two Qt programs I still use.
Guppy Jul 7, 2017
Quoting: slaapliedjeOddly I've had the opposite experience in Linux, any of my HiDPI monitors seem to work quite well. One thing I've noticed under Gnome 3 though is that Qt based applications will go mega-font on you when you start unplugging and then plugging in monitors (I have a 4k laptop and plug it into a 2k+1080p screen).

Then again, I also have found that when restarting/shutting down the computer in Gnome 3, the Qt applications just close out then I have to click on the restart/power off button again. Very odd bug. Would be nice if I could get a GTK application that worked the same as Quassel, and of course something that could replace Hipchat. Pretty sure those are the only two Qt programs I still use.

That's odd all my Qt (4/5) applications refuse to scale properly for me :< while it has force med to learn the shortcuts of krita I would love to get proper scaling - did you do anything to achive it?

I'm using Linux mint with cinnamon which IIRC is a gnome 3 shell
slaapliedje Jul 7, 2017
Well both are gtk3 based, but Gnome has its own dpi settings. I don't recall doing anything in particular. I do know the resolution flipping also affected Caligra (I think that is what KDE's office suite is called.) It is scaled fine unless you plug in a new screen. Still not sure if that is a Qt bug or a gnome one.
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