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What games did you just not like?
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Grogan Jul 10, 2023
Quoting: KlaasWhat‽ How can you say the The Third isn't silly? That's the reason that I like it.

I didn't mean Saints Row the Third wasn't silly (does it need to be said?). I meant Saints Row IV is sillier in a different way, which I qualified. Specifically that digitally constructed, wire frame alien simulation the game takes place in.
tthimble Jul 17, 2023
I don't want to be a hater, but the thing is that it's rarely specific games but entire genres that disappoint me.

Rogue-like, Souls-like... Any and all remakes... Again, I hate talking about this stuff because it always sounds like you just hate everything, but I love computer games!!

These genres just don't stick with me, and I feel like in any other period of history they wouldn't have stuck with anyone. "Bad checkpoint" games and "1-life-or-restart with randomized levels" games would have been doomed when I was growing up... I think...
stud68 Jul 18, 2023
Life Is Strange.

I played through all 5 episodes because I was told the story was great.
I was thoroughly disappointed. It came across very pretentious and non of your decisions in the game mean anything. And also very whiny dialogue. I was criticised everywhere when I said I did not like it.

Also any of the Assassins Creed's I have tried. I just found them boring.
kaiman Jul 24, 2023
I'll start with Doom. That was supposed to be all the rage back in the day, but when some friends brought a copy over, all hyped up, I found it seriously underwhelming. Can't really give a specific reason either, but I guess the whole genre doesn't cut it for me.

Same thing with Tomb Raider. I think I tried Tomb Raider 2; I remember maneuvering a boat through a fairly square rendition of Venice, trying to find the level exit. It sure looked nice, but gameplay-wise it was an exercise in frustration.

With action-adventures and shooters out of the equation, I learned to skip most AAA titles, so the more recent disappointments aren't of the type that would fit this topic. But funny enough, given the comments above, Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the games I did enjoy. Shooting bows and arrows from the bushes must be rather chill, I guess.
Tevren Jul 29, 2023
I always felt like they had a plan up to Assassin's Creed 3 and after that they released more AC just because. Don't get me wrong, AC 4 was great, a great pirate game. And it continued on from there. I still enjoyed Origins, great adventure set in Egypt, but it's not AC. Same for Odyssey and Valhalla.

Valhalla though is the game for me that I just don't like. I was so excited for a Viking AC, but Valhalla just felt like another Ubisoft open world game with Vikings draped over it and Assassin's Creed slapped on top. Just make pirate and viking games and keep the name Assassin's Creed off it .
Lilithia Aug 9, 2023
I've always been a fan of Assassin's Creed, but after the creators of the game killed Ezio, it's not what it used to be. It feels like they don't care about the fans of the game, they just want money. So now I play a variety of games at the jackpot-city.casinologin.mobi Australian online casino Jackpot City, where I don't have to worry that my favorite character might die.

Last edited by Lilithia on 28 August 2023 at 3:23 pm UTC
whizse Aug 9, 2023
I never understood the attraction of Kentucky Route Zero. Pretentious and dull. Except the bit at the end where you play as a cat, that part I liked.
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