SPACECOM is a very interesting minimalistic strategy game from Flow Combine I've had a chance to play a bit of, and I like it.
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut is the standalone and reworked version of Shadowrun: Dragonfall with new missions, a revamped combat system and more.
Torment: Tides of Numenera is another game heading to Linux from inXile entertainment that was funded on Kickstarter. They have released a new video to show off just how amazing it looks.
DoubleFine has announced it will cease development on Spacebase DF-9 and release their Lua code for modders to carry the dream on.
Arena Vex, a remake of the popular Warcraft 3 map Warlock, has been officially released for Linux. Arena Vex is an online multiplayer knock-out arena with loads of intense action and tactical gameplay that’s great for LAN parties and competitive play.
This may not be news for our readers who have been around for a while, but Techland's Chrome Engine 6 actually supports Linux.
There aren't too many collectible card games on Linux, but here's something a bit like that. Though it comes with plenty of traditional turn-based strategy along with the cards. Let's see what's in it!
Argentine game developer Saibot Studios has released the the third chapter of Doorways on Steam and Desura, with Linux support from the go. The game is a continuation of Doorways 1 & 2, which is also available for Linux.
There's a lot to look forward to this year, so here's a quick reminder so that you don't get swallowed up!
We recently had a chance to speak to Techland the original developers of the Dead Island series, but they have confirmed they are no longer involved with it.
On the official Tropico Facebook page the developers sent word out that the Linux (and Mac) versions are still on time for release on Friday 19th September!
Hammerwatch is a pretty good-looking hack & slash dungeon crawling action game that has just been updated to include a free expansion!
Valve went to the DebConf this year and did a talk about SteamOS, and the video is finally up for viewing!
Valve have put up a post on their SteamOS community to keep track of AMD graphics issues with SteamOS. We hope this will push AMD some more to better their proprietary Linux drivers.
The Skullgirls developers have finally written up an official blog post on the status of the Linux port.
Backers of Shovel Knight or gamers interested it in that didn't back it on Kickstarter will be happy to know that Shovel Knight will release the Linux version "soon".
Image & Form who created SteamWorld Dig, a highly rated indie game have just announced SteamWorld Heist!
The head of Starbound developers Chucklefish "Tiy" has said openly on twitter to all of his followers he wants to open source Starbound, and all their other games.
Eric Chahi's renowned cinematic platformer makes its Linux debut. Read inside for details, plus some quotes from Linux porter Ryan C. Gordon.
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition looks like it will give Linux gamers some love thanks to information from the SteamDB.