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Frozen Cortex is the brand new game from Mode 7 who you will remember created Frozen Synapse. Two days ago they added the Linux builds to their new game!
A little treat today folks as I had a chance to talk with Michael Blair from Aspyr Media on a few different bits relating to Linux gaming and their Civilization V port.
You may remember we did an article recently about the developers of Terraria looking into a Linux port, but it wasn't 100%. Well I think we can call it close too 100% now...
Platinum Arts Sandbox Game Maker is an interesting 3D game engine that is based on Cube2 to allow you to create games easily, and edit them real-time in the game itself.
Back yonder in the days of yore, I poured hour after hour into my Tony Hawk games on the PS2. It was a catharsis long forgotten until now. Roll7 brings me back a bit with their title OlliOlli: a 2d retro skate-em-up. Unlike the skating games I used to play, OlliOlli drops world exploration for a more arcade-like experience focusing on keeping your combos up and your speed high.
I really like roleplaying games and I'm always on lookout for new RPGs to play, especially if they are native. You can probably imagine how happy I was when I heard that we'd be getting a new one in the form of Mount & Blade: Warband. Well, let's see if it's any good!
The Long Dark promises to be an interesting take on the survival game genre with an "original" art style. It does look pretty good, and the final version will be on Linux.
Mother 4 is a traditional RPG set in an idealized vintage America, following the adventures of a young boy and the leader of a biker gang, who get caught up in the whirlwind events surrounding a group calling themselves the Modern Men.
Brand new to Linux is a funny little game called So Many Me. The game is a charming puzzle platformer that has great visuals and a chirpy main character.
Towns has a bit of colourful history sadly, but that hasn't stopped a brand new update coming out which is excellent for anyone who picked it up after all that kerfuffle before.