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Rust Survival Game From FacePunch Is Heading To Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Rust the survival game from FacePunch the creators of Garrys Mod is heading to Steam with a rough Linux version.

GOL Cast: Getting Dizzy in Inverto

By Samsai,
Inverto (previously Gravitron) is a first person shooter puzzle game from GravityBox Studio, where you must navigate through a series of testing areas. The doors, floors and platforms in these areas might not be in the most logical places however, and you must use your GraviGun to manipulate the gravity in order to reach different places.

Defenders Quest 2 Website Live & Ready For Pre-Orders

By Liam Dawe,
Defender's Quest II: Mists of Ruin takes place in a world whose surface is covered by a toxic, heavier-than-air gas known as "Mirk."

Between Me and the Night Where You Walk Between Sanity And Madness

By Liam Dawe,
Between Me And The Night is a surrealist, yet grounded, video-game that dares to walk the thin path between sanity and madness.

The Funding Crowd 22 (Oct 14th-28th)

By muntdefems,
The Funding Crowd is back two weeks after our previous edition. Yeah, we've been pretty busy searching among the new campaigns and selecting the best ones to be spotlighted on our column just for you.

Cipher Prime (creators of Splice) Are Hunting For Testers

By Cheeseness,
When quizzed about whether there were plans for Linux support for additional titles, Cipher Prime (creators of Splice and Fractal) responded with a call for testers.

Super Roman Conquest - A 3D Side Scrolling Strategy Game

By Liam Dawe,
LucasArts veterans craft a retro side-scrolling RTS that takes place in a multi-layered, 3D world set in Ancient Rome.

Linux Gamers - Youtube Channel Collection

By Xpander,
Since the Linux gaming scene is growing rapidly, i decided to put up a list of Linux Gaming Channels from Youtube.

Universum: War Front - FPS, RTS, MOBA RPG In One Space Epic Has New Videos

By Liam Dawe,
When you played a RTS or MOBA, did you ever wish to come down and keep the enemy at gunpoint in dynamic battles? In Universum you can!

Bolt Riley - A Reggae Adventure Game

By Liam Dawe,
Become a Jamaican Reggae legend in an adventure game co-designed by Corey and Lori Cole (Creators of the Quest for Glory series and the in-development adventure RPG Hero-U).

Red Baron Remake Adds Linux and SteamOS Support

By Samsai,
Two days ago we published an article about Mad Otter Games asking if there anyone was interested for a Linux port of their Red Baron remake that they are kickstarting. We Linux users are quite vocal about things we like and many people displayed their interest in the comments and now they have given an official response to us Linux gamers.

Left 4 Dead 2 Graduates Linux School, Now Officially Available

By Liam Dawe,
Well folks Left 4 Dead 2 now has a Linux icon and it's beta tag completely removed, this follows some essential fixes they did.

Knytt Underground & Nihilumbra Platformers On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Two new platformers are now on Steam for you lovely lovely people to enjoy, both rated well and should be worth a look!

Spooky Range - A new Unity3D FPS for Halloween

By Hamish,
Spooky Range is a new Unity3D powered first person shooter that is currently available for pre-order on Desura and will be released the day before Halloween.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.5 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Continuing their effort of improving experimental Wine branch, developers have reached new goalpost and released version: 1.7.5. It includes many additional features and 30 bugfixes for known problems present in version 1.7.4.

Want To See Red Baron On Linux? The Developers Are Listening!

By Liam Dawe,
It's time to ramp up the support of a Linux version for the new Red Baron flight combat sim, the developers are listening.

Neocolonialism World Manipulation Strategy

By Liam Dawe,
Neocolonialism - Buy votes. Extract wealth. Exploit the working class. Negotiate. Backstab. Manipulate parliaments. Manipulate the International Monetary Fund. Manipulate the world. The map is upside-down.

Sparkle 2 Evo On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Control the evolution with the touch of your finger. Climb your way through the evolutional ladder. Start as a little organism and transform into a magnificent aquatic being. Explore the abyss in search of nutritional elements. Attack other species whenever you run out of other food sources.

Forced Action RPG Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Forced is a one- to four-player co-op arcade action RPG with puzzle and tactical elements. You are cast as slaves in the toughest fantasy gladiator school of them all, condemned to fight to the death, all the while attempting to win your freedom.

Another Don't Starve Survival Game Content Update

By Liam Dawe,
Klei Entertainment are super awesome aren't they? Releasing so much extra content for free for Don't Starve.