Bulwark Studios and Kasedo Games have officially released Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus for Linux after having a 'soft launch' in December last year.
Announced earlier, the 1.1.3 update promotes the Linux and Mac versions to a fully supported status—awesome! In addition, they've updated the Unity game engine version used to 2017.4.19f1 and a healthy dose of bugs have been fixed too. For specifics, you can see here.
As for what's coming next for Mechanicus, they said they're going to be adding in at least a custom difficulty challenge, more troops, more environments and so on. They have more plans, but they're not going into detail about them just yet.
I've had a really great time with it and plan to play plenty more. They get a lot of things just right like the atmosphere, the unit design, the environment art and so on it's wonderful to play through. The mix of decision making as you explore, with the XCOM-like combat that still has it's own slightly unique take on it has made it quite captivating and it certainly sucked my interested in.
You can find Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus on Humble Store and Steam.
Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus is the first game to do justice to the fiction
My take: besides the fidelity to actual 40k lore, the most interesting part of the gameplay is that they don't use cover mechanics. So the game is quite agile, you don't stagger your match by holding your units in place. And of course, it has lots of ways to compensate and substitute the lack of cover.
Oh yeah, now that you mention it. I never even reflected that it was designed without cover mechanics when I played. :O
Suffice to say, I apparently never missed them.
Seems like I have a new Wishlist top spot entry :D
I am a big an of like buttons, but sometimes I wish we had a dislike button under some of your articles. By the way can't login into my old gol account, what's up with that?Feature requests go in the forum. For account support, email us.
However, the game has an amazing feel, the voices are excellent, the general ambiance is great, and the game is fun, but but but...
I am a big an of like buttons, but sometimes I wish we had a dislike button under some of your articles. By the way can't login into my old gol account, what's up with that?
Can i ask you want you want to dislike ? What would be the point ? That's a real cordial question.
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