Smith and Winston, an incredibly stylish twin-stick shooter with destructible environments just recently had a rather large update.
Update 6 was released yesterday with an aim to improve the spit and polish as Execution Unit work towards getting Smith and Winston finished. Since the game originally just dumped you into the thick of it, it left many people (myself included) wondering what the hell was going on. To help a little with that, there's now a sweet intro-video to at least give you a tiny glimpse into the background.
To ease newer players in, it now gives you an actual tutorial area to allow you some time to get a hang of the controls. It's pretty simple but due to the destructible environment is worthwhile having, especially since you do need to understand that some items are hidden requiring you to actually destroy things to find them.
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The game was previously quite difficult and while the developer didn't want to make it a lot easier, they have responded to feedback on this. You now have a shield, which can absorb three hits from enemies before losing a life. This is excellent, as the game feels a little more rewarding now and less punishing so I'm quite glad they did it.
An adjustment I'm particularly happy about is your ships AI "Shippy", who has become far less annoying on this ears with this update too. There's also a bunch of new levels to play through, so if you finished it before it's a good time to jump back in.
Feature Highlight:
- Voxels – No, no, no. Not the big bulky ones that Notch used to make, but small sleek sexy ones. I say “ones” but there’s flipping thousands of ‘em. Just luverly.
- Exploration – Get lost, find things... look a key! With handcrafted levels we've taken the time to make exploring rewarding and quite the delight.
- Challenging twin stick combat – Ok, it’s not that challenging buts it’s fun. We have Boss fights too, so test your mettle against the BUNKER-BOSS, CHOPPER-BOSS and the very VOID itself!
- Camera - It looks like pixels but it’s all 3d, go on spin the camera, check behind that tree, marvellous.
- Free Flowing Movement - Jump, dash, boost, plummet to your death.
- Collectables - new heads to find on collect, always wanted a head shaped like a toaster well here’s your chance.
While it's not finished since it's an Early Access title, I think it's fantastic already. If you want to pick up a copy, you can do some from and Steam.
I'll give it another try.
I'm a bit disappointed the devs didn't nickname themselves Dazza and Chazza.
Oh, I purchased it last month. Cool! Now to remember to play it.
I'm a bit disappointed the devs didn't nickname themselves Dazza and Chazza.
I'll call him Chazza tomorrow :)
I played an hour or so of this, but ended up just getting stuck, surrounded by loads of portals which led me round in circles. Shame, because the fighting is pretty fun and now that there's a shield, hopefully a bit more forgiving.
I'll give it another try.
If you were stuck in 'Maze', you're not the first... you can destroy the world to leave a trail ;)
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