Yet another chance for you to pick up a selection of great games with the Humble Winter Indie Mix Bundle.
The latest bundle full of games from Humble and various indie teams, with a few good picks that have Linux builds too. Here's a look at what to expect from it. Games that have Linux builds are highlighted as usual to make it easy for you.
In the lowest $1 tier you can get:
- Deponia: The Complete Journey
- Butcher
Beat the average to get:
- Cat Quest
- Feather
- Felix The Reaper
For the top tier at $10 it's these titles:
- Armello
- CryoFall
Even at the lowest tier, that's quite a bargain there for some fun experiences. I'm a big fan of Armello though too, as we've played quite a lot of games of it here and it's always interesting.
See the full bundle here.
If you missed it Humble also launched the Québec Indies Bundle recently too. They also have numerous games on sale both big and small in the Humble Store ready for the holiday season.

I already own all of the lowest tier, all of the highest tier, and some of the middle tier.
I could have sworn it said remix before, since it had all been bundled before. But I must have imagined that...
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