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Viewing articles by Samsai
I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.

Find me in these places:

GOL Cast: Fighting Goo-Thingies in Elliot Quest

By Samsai,
So, we are on a quest to get enough money to buy a candle to explore the nearby caves and to do that, we must fight through an army of skeletons, goo balls and bats? This will obviously be a great journey!

GOL Cast: Running Away From Mutants in Metro: Last Light

By Samsai,
I wasn't sure if you had had enough of Metro: Last Light yet, so I quickly made a GOL Cast of it to show you the incredible world of post-apocalyptic Moscow. I also decided to shoot some mutants with a shotgun while I was at it, though the situation got pretty hairy.

Metro: Last Light Released for Linux on Steam

By Samsai,
In normal circumstances I would have let TheBoss deliver these awesome news, but what is normal about a total nuclear catastrophe in the radioactive ruins of Moscow? Especially when that happens on Linux?

GOL Cast: Getting Dizzy in Inverto

By Samsai,
Inverto (previously Gravitron) is a first person shooter puzzle game from GravityBox Studio, where you must navigate through a series of testing areas. The doors, floors and platforms in these areas might not be in the most logical places however, and you must use your GraviGun to manipulate the gravity in order to reach different places.

Red Baron Remake Adds Linux and SteamOS Support

By Samsai,
Two days ago we published an article about Mad Otter Games asking if there anyone was interested for a Linux port of their Red Baron remake that they are kickstarting. We Linux users are quite vocal about things we like and many people displayed their interest in the comments and now they have given an official response to us Linux gamers.

GOL Cast: Awesome Sliding Stunts in Glare

By Samsai,
We've seen a huge influx of platformers, some in 2.5D and some with pixelated 8-bit style, so it's obvious that some of us have already gotten tired of them and actively prefer other genres over platformers, me included. But Glare was something that I actually like for multiple reasons.

GOL Cast: Sneaking in Shadows of The Dark Mod

By Samsai,
I haven't played Thief and sneaking in shadows is not one of my greatest strenghts, but it's always nice to pretend being a master thief and acquire tons of virtual loot (and slam few computer-controlled guards in the head with a blackjack in the process).

SOMA, Sci-fi Horror Game From Frictional Games Shows a Gameplay Teaser Trailer

By Samsai,
You might remember our previous articles about the mysterious new Frictional horror game they released multiple progress bars and weird images/videos about? Well, now they have announced the name and a gameplay teaser trailer to go with it.

GOL Cast: Creating a Powerful Empire in 0 A.D.

By Samsai,
You all probably know this game already by now and if you don't then you most certainly should! Still, I think it's GOL Cast worthy because 0 A.D. truly shows how good an open source game can be and I wanted to remind you about their IndieGoGo fundraiser.

GOL Cast: Discover Your Inner Gun Nut in Receiver

By Samsai,
Reloading in modern shooters was way too easy anyways, anyone can simply press R and wait a bit, so let's take it up a notch and simulate realistic gun mechanics! Oh, my magazine is empty... what do I do now?

GOL Cast: Weird Stuff in Kairo

By Samsai,
Guess what, we have another puzzle game for you to try out! So, let's start our journey into Kairo (with a K) and see what this weird and abstract world has in store for us!

GOL Cast: Low Gravity Jumping in Rochard

By Samsai,
I saw that this game had a HUGE discount on Steam and decided to show some footage about it in case you were wondering whether to buy it or not. Queue the low gravity environments and let's start jumping!

Linux Game Recording, The Process Behind Creating GOL Casts

By Samsai,
Gaming, game capturing and video editing, does that sound like Linux to you? Few years ago most of us most likely would have said "no", but I am here to show you the current situation and prove that old fact wrong! Step into my lair of Linux gaming videos!

Steam for Linux Is a little messed up, here's the temporary fix!

By Samsai,
Something odd has happened to Steam for Linux and you might face some difficulties starting/restarting it at the moment. We don't know what causes this, but luckily we have a quick temporary fix for you!

GOL Cast: Lock and Load Loads of Weapons in Moon Rift

By Samsai,
Hopefully you still remember me after a week long break, but I am happy to tell you that I'm back with the videos! Today we will take a look at a game which combines shooting, platforming and RPG elements in a nice 2.5D package.

GOL Cast: Making Science In Sokobond

By Samsai,
Sometimes explosions and loud guns just aren't then thing you are looking for. And when that happens, you can rely on relaxing music, simple gameplay and chemistry!

GOL Cast: Fragging Aliens in Natural Selection 2

By Samsai,
I've featured few brain-twisting puzzle games so far, but my CPU is crying for some action, so let's take a break and frag some stinkin' aliens with an assault rifle!

Spirits, A Puzzle Game in The Feel Of Lemmings With Beautiful Art Style

By Samsai,
Some of you might already know Spirits, because it was featured on the Humble Bundle for Android 3 and it has been on the Linux store of Steam for quite some time now, but you might also have missed it like I did.

Poltergeist: Pixelated Horror, A Reverse-Horror Game with Gameplay from the New Guy

By Samsai,
Hi! My name is Sami, but you can refer to me with my IRC/Forum nickname Samsai or simply as Sam. I am a Finnish YouTuber with the focus on Linux gaming and I've been making videos for over a year now on my own channel.
Showing 320 to 339 of 339 entries found.
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