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It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By MayeulC, 18 June 2014 at 8:17 pm UTC

Yes, I think OpenGL 5 should drop some compatibility if they want their implementation to be less varying from one vendor to an other. Of course, the drivers could still allow earlier versions to be executed, or even calling OGL5 functions while using earlier sets.

Quoting: GuestBut code that is no longer in the driver will now be in the applications. So instead of well tested code written by people who know what they are doing, it will be written many times differently by many users, be less tested, and probably less efficient. Seems like a waste to me.
Of course, code duplication is a problem. But almost every game out there is using its very own code to handle, let's say, data compression.
This can of course be abstracted with libraries, while still allowing to do certain optimizations which are impossible to do nowadays. These libraries will probably be written by competent people. The code will just be as tested as the game is, and frankly, I do not want to play a game that has not been tested enough (TW2, anyone? :P).

Being lower level is sometimes a good thing : the advantage is that you can build yourself (eventually with existing tools) as many abstraction layers as you wish, while being able to do some very specific optimization at some times.
As an example, just take the cache hit problem in processors : variables that have been used are cached in L1/L2/L3 caches, to avoid latency from pulling these from RAM. Many algorithms exists (check wikipedia to replace the right variable (one that will not be accessed again, in the best case). But, as a programmer, you have no way (AFAIK) to tell usage frequency of those variables. You are not close enough to the hardware to do so, but it would certainly speed things up a lot if it were possible, especially with certain algorithms. This is an example of a situation where being lower level would be profitable in term of performance.
That said, I am not really into computer graphics (I may dive into the day I find a suitable API ;) ), so I can't tell if advantages of Mantle outweigh its drawbacks, but from an objective perspective, it seems reasonable.

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By pd12, 18 June 2014 at 7:01 pm UTC

^Yeah, that's the flipside to a low-level API, if they don't have high-level functions too. But then developers have been asking for the low-level access so they could optimize. You could do that in OGL currently, even if some people think it's a mess right now =P They should just improve OGL with a 'redesign' in 5.x and retain legacy (2.x, 3.x, 4.x) compatibility.

Steam Marines Squad Based Procedural Death Labyrinth Finally Lands On Linux
By scaine, 18 June 2014 at 5:07 pm UTC

More like a Bionic Dues clone. Looks good though. The video has made me want to sink more hours into Bionic Dues right enough...

Fancy Skulls Procedural Death Labyrinth FPS Now On Steam
By Alzarath, 18 June 2014 at 4:03 pm UTC

Cool, bought this some time ago. Been waiting for it to come to Steam to give it another try. I love how the enemies have unique 'crit spots'.

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By MaxPower, 18 June 2014 at 3:52 pm UTC Likes: 1

What open source API is even supposed to mean ?

QuoteAMD over time will dedicate resources to the task, Huddy said. AMD hasn’t provided a time frame for when Mantle-based games for Linux will become available
Not started yet ? We are not going to see this before a while ...

Steam Marines Squad Based Procedural Death Labyrinth Finally Lands On Linux
By Liam Dawe, 18 June 2014 at 3:49 pm UTC

Quoting: CoolHandSeems like a "Space Hulk" ripoff to me... As we already have Space Hulk on Linux/SteamOS, can't see myself getting this..
Based on what exactly makes it a rip-off?

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty Has A New Trailer From E3
By , 18 June 2014 at 3:42 pm UTC

This game was the bomb on the original PlayStation... I'm so happy it's coming for Linux/SteamOS so I can introduce my kid to it... :D

Steam Marines Squad Based Procedural Death Labyrinth Finally Lands On Linux
By , 18 June 2014 at 3:40 pm UTC

Seems like a "Space Hulk" ripoff to me... As we already have Space Hulk on Linux/SteamOS, can't see myself getting this..

FLASHOUT 2 Racing Game Game-play Video & Some Thoughts
By , 18 June 2014 at 2:50 pm UTC

Quoting: E911I might pay 5$ for this on sale, but these tracks seem really narrow.

Running any NFS or Burnout Paradise on Wine has tragically failed leaving me carless in terms of "gaming on linux". There's a real market for good Linux Racers imo. Hopefully the Arcade 90s Racer will be done soon :(

You poor thing. I've had no end of issues with Burnout Paradise on Wine until I registered my copy with Origin, and installed the Origin version. Now it runs. (but I can't go online with it, but then I couldn't in windows before anyway.)

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By MayeulC, 18 June 2014 at 2:33 pm UTC

Typo on the second line. Mantle is spelled incorrectly.

Yes, I really want an open API, but AMD has not (AFAIK) released any documentation (yet).
Having an open-source implementation would be the best. Whatever they choose to do, I'm done with catalyst anyway.

Quoting: Guestit does not solve the problem of their sh**ty OpenGL drivers

While I agree with you on your first point, Mantle should bring some improvements to the drivers side : the whole point is talking more directly to the hardware, therefore eliminating driver bugs due to an incorrect implementation, or a not well-tested function. Reducing the complexity of the driver is a good thing on this side. The bad thing is, of course, that we're going lower-level, and we become more hardware dependent. Hence the GCN-only implementation : future cards can be mantle-compatible, but they should be designed for it. They said this about multi-vendor compatibility.
I can only imagine Mantle requires a specific set of instruction, and maybe some function pipeline that can't be implemented (or this is not trivial) on earlier cards.

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By FutureSuture, 18 June 2014 at 2:20 pm UTC Likes: 3

Just stick with OpenGL and focus all your efforts on the open source driver, AMD. Stop wasting time, your customers have waited long enough. Sounds like tomfoolery to improve the open source driver and then switch APIs.

Steam Marines Squad Based Procedural Death Labyrinth Finally Lands On Linux
By Pinguino, 18 June 2014 at 2:16 pm UTC Likes: 1

"What the heck is "procedural death"?"
(me, 2 minutes ago)

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By , 18 June 2014 at 2:13 pm UTC Likes: 2

If they add it to the Catalyst Only AMD can p### off If AMD add's it to the Opensource Drivers and OpenGL 5 all be fine with that

It Seems AMD May Still Bring The Mantle Graphics API To Linux
By dude, 18 June 2014 at 1:44 pm UTC

Though I still remain critical about AMD and linux, it's good to hear they put some work in to improve linux gaming.

One more quote:
"Windows currently offers a better gaming experience than Linux, but Steam could change that."

It will.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By dude, 18 June 2014 at 1:26 pm UTC

AMD is really catching up in the last months. They move on, mantle is confirmed now:
It's time to have an alternative to NVidia, finally. I hope so.

Civ V Steam Giveaway!
By , 18 June 2014 at 1:13 pm UTC

Amazing game, Thanks.

Crystal Catacombs Procedural Death Labyrinth Released For Linux
By Beamboom, 18 June 2014 at 12:19 pm UTC

I don't know man... I kinda left the Amiga behind in the early nineties, and if I want to revisit that era again I'd rather fire up my old trusty A500.

In other words: I don't get all these kind of releases nowadays. I really don't. These things belong to the mobile phone market.

Civ V Steam Giveaway!
By n30p1r4t3, 18 June 2014 at 11:45 am UTC Likes: 1

Well there's only two days left so keep entering! Also, I purchased the complete edition, so no matter how many entries we get the winner will receive the complete edition.

Civ V Steam Giveaway!
By Matteo Iervasi, 18 June 2014 at 10:43 am UTC

I played this game with a friend, I really like it :D

Prepare Your Wallets! The Steam Summer Sales To Start 19th June
By , 18 June 2014 at 10:15 am UTC

Ravensword works in my laptop but only if you don't use full screen. It is indeed a sh*tty game, but it is short, you ride a horse and kill things with swords, it is good enough for some hours.

I got McPixel on a bundle so I got the DRM free download to play without Steam. I forgot about that, sorry if that was a little bit misleading.

Aaaaand I totally forgot that I had to play Quake IV in Wine. Sorry about that too.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 18 June 2014 at 9:58 am UTC


I’ve given up on AMD long ago and have been a (happy) nVidia user for years. But now I’ve bought a laptop which is completely based on AMD technology. I was wondering, which driver to use. But the more I read about it it seems that the open driver is the best way to go.

Prepare Your Wallets! The Steam Summer Sales To Start 19th June
By DrMcCoy, 18 June 2014 at 9:18 am UTC

Quoting: DavidRavensword: Shadowlands

I got that in a bundle. Played for a few minutes and found it to be quite shit, to be honest.

A Wizard's Lizard 2D Action RPG Released Now On Steam Linux
By Ivancillo, 18 June 2014 at 9:03 am UTC

I enjoyed Isaac a lot.

Maybe this would be another game of the style.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By Sslaxx, 18 June 2014 at 7:58 am UTC

I'm not. It's simple corporate inertia.

Crystal Catacombs Procedural Death Labyrinth Released For Linux
By , 18 June 2014 at 7:23 am UTC

Lemmywinks, is the game scaled for any resolution? Or is the viewport increased?

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 18 June 2014 at 5:55 am UTC

Yeap, there are problem with resource usage of windows 8. A lot of memory (RAM) and disk space (ROM) usage, license cost equal about 10-15 AAA games on sale 75-80% off

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 18 June 2014 at 4:32 am UTC

Quoting: JohnWell you are also all forgetting that a "Windows-Steam-Machine" will also require an anti-virus running in the background.
You say that as if Linux is any more impervious to viruses than Windows is... We just have a higher proportion of tech savvy users who are less likely to run random email attachments, between that and our lower marketshare we're merely a less appealing target.