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Victory At Sea, A Naval Strategy Game Coming Soon To Linux
By , 5 June 2014 at 3:48 am UTC

Nothing like a bit of classic Churchill to stir the blood. He may have been a lousy leader outside of war, but in WW II he was the man England needed.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By , 5 June 2014 at 3:07 am UTC

I game on Windows and don't update my graphics driver unless I am experiencing an issue. Most of the time updates go smoothly, but sometimes they introduce problems. That's the reason for that old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Besides, I don't usually run the newest graphics card, and those updates to Windows drivers just don't add greater functionality. Too many times the improvements are geared toward a specific new chipset and/or a game I don't play.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By , 5 June 2014 at 2:54 am UTC

Quoting: KelsThe bases remind me of "AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome"

Same developer.

Valve's VOGL Debugger Makes It Even Easier To Debug OpenGL Games
By , 5 June 2014 at 2:52 am UTC

Thanks Valve for a OP OpenGL Tool.

Being Super Awesome As Always.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 5 June 2014 at 12:54 am UTC

When GOG starts supporting Linux later this year you will be able to earn some money from referral links.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By Nezchan, 4 June 2014 at 9:50 pm UTC

The bases remind me of "AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome", a game which I'm terrible at. I'm not very good at bullet hell either, for that matter, so I'll probably give this a miss. Does look fun for group play though.

PlayCanvas 3D WebGL Game Engine Now Open Source
By , 4 June 2014 at 9:39 pm UTC

Sounds promising .. but rather as flash replacement for games. I like it. Maybe games like Tibia should think about it.

1001 Spikes Released On Steam For Linux
By CFWhitman, 4 June 2014 at 8:29 pm UTC

I think it's worth pointing out that this game is developed by Nicalis, the same developer behind Cave Story, a platformer that has reached practically legendary status among fans of independent game developers, especially owners of Game Park Holdings or OpenPandora handhelds.

Half-Life 2 & The Episodes Now Officially Support Virtual Reality On Linux
By Half-Shot, 4 June 2014 at 8:20 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSutureWhy only Half-Life: Source and not Half-Life? Is it because one uses Source and the other uses Goldsrc? They look identical. The only difference is physics.

Pretty much yeah. Half-Life only gets security fixes nowadays.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 4 June 2014 at 8:13 pm UTC

This site is on the whitelist after i read this. ;) This is a super site. You will not have to give up the advertising revenue from my side. :D

Paranautical Activity FPS Big New Release, Comes With Issues
By , 4 June 2014 at 8:03 pm UTC

Hi again!

It has now an installer on Steam that is working. I am also facing the problem with resolution but using the tabulator and enter keys I could finally start the game. Once in the game the menus were working and the game itself works. I have some problems like I can not shoot and the mouse is always going up, no matter what I do.

BTW: Good OST (in the minute or so that I was playing it was good).

Unity3D Web Player In Linux Browsers Thanks To Pipelight
By , 4 June 2014 at 7:45 pm UTC

First of all, thanks harpenguin!

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.
Followed instructions in related link (please read completely the article, contains useful info to choose the most suitable installation).

After sudoing pipelight-plugin --enable unity3d I also tried and got an error : "Failed to update Unity Web Player". Then I run update manager, got some missing wine stuff,restarted system and lo, Unity on Ubuntu!

Good luck!

A Big List Of Linux FPS Games, Here's Over 30 To Check Out
By Liam Dawe, 4 June 2014 at 7:04 pm UTC

Quoting: kon14Doom3 and MetroLL (how come you forgot after all these posts?.
By the way, NoMoreRoomInHell is not a first person "shooter"...

Huh? Metro is on there and Doom3 is so old I didn't feel the need to suggest it, not to mention you can't actually buy a Linux version to count as a Linux purchase.

As for NoMoreRoom well it is a mix and FPS it certainly is as well as other things.

A Big List Of Linux FPS Games, Here's Over 30 To Check Out
By , 4 June 2014 at 6:59 pm UTC

Doom3 and MetroLL (how come you forgot after all these posts?.
By the way, NoMoreRoomInHell is not a first person "shooter"...

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Half-Shot, 4 June 2014 at 6:50 pm UTC

Quite frankly people, $25 is a hell of a lot cheaper than most magazines (Although I love Linux Voice <3) and so you could concider 3-4 articles a day (or about 2 pages) a worthy investment.

That makes around 60 pages a month which in turn equates to a magazine sporting 720 pages for only $25, surely thats more than enough of a reason to support GOL and Liam. And even those magazines have ads in them when you can actually morally turn them off.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By MayeulC, 4 June 2014 at 6:04 pm UTC

For now, this game doesn't really attracts me, even if the platforms reminds me a bit ricochet.

My opinion may change, I will just wait more before buying it... And I am returning to play the SuperHot demo btw ;-)

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By , 4 June 2014 at 5:47 pm UTC

looks fantastic to a me - now I can finally stop playing *Jumping Flash* for a while!
thanks for the revie.. opinion 8)

AMD's OpenGL Performance Is Nothing Close To Nvidia On This Benchmark
By , 4 June 2014 at 5:25 pm UTC

amd sucks in linux,in windows is better,but in linux they made horrible drivers never again i will buy and amd gpu if they not made better drivers,linux user gentoo.

The Funding Crowd 33 (May 13th - June 1st)
By scaine, 4 June 2014 at 3:30 pm UTC

Shane answered this morning, here's his response:
QuoteHey Neil,

Good question. Development is still early so we don’t know what platforms we will be releasing to finally.

However development is being done in Unity and I am proud to say Linux is intended as a platform. Unity enables a wide variety of platforms and Linux is among one of the easiest to make a build for.

I intend to have the testing builds for both PC and Linux.

Thanks so much for the coverage, I will update the page as well,

So fingers crossed that this one gets the attention it deserves and then fingers crossed that Shane doesn't hit too many roadblocks during the Unity export for Linux. I know that certain middleware can cause issues, but hopefully none of that is being used here.

Good news, basically!

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By scaine, 4 June 2014 at 3:27 pm UTC

Anonymous fight! Whoo!

I very nearly bought this one myself, but then The Witcher 2 came along, The Fall came along and finally Monochroma (which I'd backed) came along. So I might still buy it, but I'll give a while. Looks crazy.

Epic Games Release New Information About Unreal Engine 4 & Linux Support
By , 4 June 2014 at 3:18 pm UTC

<a title="just try" href="">Cool post</a>

Valve's VOGL Debugger Makes It Even Easier To Debug OpenGL Games
By , 4 June 2014 at 3:17 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestAs much as you may laugh, a decent gui is required when helping developers come from a windows environment to a *nix one - which has been the focus of Valve's work.
Command lines aren't second nature to everybody, and if you've seen the vogl command line...well, a gui makes it easier for people to run their application with vogl.

I do use vogl nowaday, its not that hard really and works fine to... but can and will be improved. My remark was that its hardly a big barrier for programmers. The first thing most programmers learn is wrting commandline software, at best it offers better ergonomics to programmers. Besides most programmers are lazy bastards and definitly will integrate it in their IDE.

Grantend, better GUI's on Linux definitly help. But speaking OpenGL programming its the tooling that needs improvement.

Valve's VOGL Debugger Makes It Even Easier To Debug OpenGL Games
By Hamish, 4 June 2014 at 3:01 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: DMJCI'll keep running Intel and NVIDIA hardware which I know works on Linux. Now that NVIDIA is contributing to Nouveau (I suspect because their engineers had a look and realised that Nouveau is actually working and not just a joke project anymore) They probably see it as a way of developing an open source driver without infringing on any of their licensed code/trade secrets that they can't open.

This is in fact something that AMD has actually been doing since acquiring ATI in 2007, putting a huge effort into the actual plumbing work of the Linux graphics stack that Nouveau relies upon, alongside other FOSS supporting vendors and developers such as Intel, Red Hat, and Novell. And has already been pointed out, Nvidia has only been supporting Nouveau in terms of their Tegra support, and do not seem to have any plans to expand upon this to any of their other chip-sets.

Because of this it is AMD cards that have the most performant free software drivers available for higher end hardware. Which incidentally is off topic and has nothing to do with VOGL, but when there is that much FUD being slung around someone does need to respond to it just so such scaths do not actually discredit all the hard work that has been done to make the free graphics ecosystem actually competitive.

Valve's VOGL Debugger Makes It Even Easier To Debug OpenGL Games
By Liam Dawe, 4 June 2014 at 2:33 pm UTC Likes: 1

Maybe I did mean Windows programmers? Having to drop to a command line is a pain for a lot of people and the quicker Linux elitists realise that the better we will all be. We have to break out of this mentality if we will ever accept windows converts.

Spread love not hate.

Valve's VOGL Debugger Makes It Even Easier To Debug OpenGL Games
By , 4 June 2014 at 2:30 pm UTC

"VoglEditor now has support for launching and tracing your application, directly from the UI."

"That's quite a big barrier to break-down, which means it should be easier than ever to use VOGL and that's impressive work especially as it's open source"

Had a good laugh about the "big barrier" comment. This would have been a good joke if the author meant windows programmers, but seriously you can not call this a barier for opengl programmers or even programmers in general.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By , 4 June 2014 at 2:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Hi Regular Anonymous. This is Anonymous1337 from a distant future. Most year counters did only have 4 digits so after 9999 we started over again.
Anyway to make a short story long:

The title says '...Video & Thoughts', not review.

Now go away :)

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By Liam Dawe, 4 June 2014 at 2:17 pm UTC

How can my personal thoughts not paint an honest picture exactly? It's what I think about the game.

Just another person on the internet who has to be right I see.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By , 4 June 2014 at 2:14 pm UTC

I was not trying to antagonize you, i just do not subscribe to the "If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all" maxim. How about this one: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." That's how i feel about the article, which imho does not paint an honest picture of the game.
But to your credit, you added a gameplay video, so your readers can make up their own minds.

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By Liam Dawe, 4 June 2014 at 1:02 pm UTC

When I say I'm playing a game terribly it means I'm not very good at it, you can read into that all you like, but that's all it is. It's quite a standard saying to say you are terrible at something, but enjoy it all the same. Common knowledge that isn't it?

I also said "The only thing I dislike", meaning I actually like everything else about the game.

If you don't have something nice to say, why bother at all?

Drunken Robot Pornography Video & Thoughts
By , 4 June 2014 at 1:00 pm UTC

Actually, you didn't use the word fun in your post.

Your first sentence that describes the game is:
"Honestly until I got to level 6 I thought the game was easy to the point of being boring."
And the very first sentence is "Me playing another game terribly, hooray!"
and of course in the sentence before that you use the adverb "terribly", which is freudian lingo.