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Esenthel Next-Gen Game Engine, Supports Linux
By minj, 22 March 2014 at 7:29 pm UTC

The reason it does not work on Chrome is probably because your GPU is blacklisted. E. g. they have blacklisted all machines with optimus installed. And for a good reason it seems, flash is broken on Intel and Nvidia is totally broken on my machine. It was done 1.5 years ago and afaict no work whatsover has been afterwards. A-holes...

You can check if hardware acceleration is enabled by navigating to chrome://gpu/ Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By Cheeseness, 22 March 2014 at 7:27 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousNope. Not one.

The only disconcerting thing is the tendency to "support Ubuntu"- there's little need. Guess I need to get in touch with them to show them the way to supporting Linux proper.

Have you had a chat with Valve as well? They currently only "support Ubuntu".

At this point, I think it's better to ask GOG what their plans are than assume that they're going to do things poorly.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By sobkas, 22 March 2014 at 4:49 pm UTC

I have updated a script to make "b" option possible. Now waiting for votes.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By Swater96, 22 March 2014 at 4:09 pm UTC

Quoting: sobkas
Quoting: liamdaweWow some of the bugs on page two are ooooooold!
Better fix them late than never.

Next vote:
How to display an age of the bug:
a) in days
b) properly break days into years and months
c) in seconds
d) discuss it on the forum

My vote:

Thank you for changing up the way the wine updates are done. This is much easier to read and the multi-page layout was really smart of you.


Influent Educational Language Game Out Now
By Ivancillo, 22 March 2014 at 3:33 pm UTC

So, you were trying Spanish, uh?

Hola, soy español y me gusta mucho GOL.

Crytek Aren't Taking Any Prisoners, Announcing CRYENGINE As A Service
By , 22 March 2014 at 3:15 pm UTC

10 bucks a month for this engine? Not a fortune. Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By , 22 March 2014 at 3:03 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoyWait, what? I...I don't...what...

I admit, I'm surprised; I didn't expect that to happen any time soon (or at all). In fact, I'm still suspicious this is an early April Fools' joke.

Nope. Not one.

The only disconcerting thing is the tendency to "support Ubuntu"- there's little need. Guess I need to get in touch with them to show them the way to supporting Linux proper.

Unreal Engine 4 Announced With Linux Support Including The Editor, Source Code Access & More!
By , 22 March 2014 at 1:53 pm UTC

Quoting: xyzthis is the snowball effect
thanks Valve :))

To those that said that they weren't doing it for all owe us a big apology. Keep in mind, I was privy to the goings on and saw the truth of it coming and had to laugh at all of them while they were talking out their backsides on that one.

Unreal Engine 4 Announced With Linux Support Including The Editor, Source Code Access & More!
By , 22 March 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC

Quoting: CheesenessI hope that there's some kind of apology. It would be very sad for them to get away without even acknowledging it (given the excitement I've spotted so far, nobody seems to think they should be accountable for their past actions).

There probably WON'T be any of that forthcoming. To do so, would be to either slander/libel Icculus or to own that they failed to pay him in a timely manner for work done prior to the split in the sheets, an apology to him, and the like. I don't know if they ever caught him up with what they owed him, even.

QuoteThe Dungeon Defenders port was done by the fellow who worked on the original unreleased UE3 port using the published Windows/Mac engine source code that Epic make available and his own experience. Since then, at least two more games using that engine have arrived on Linux. Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, ported by The Farm 51's former Linux person, and Papo & Yo, which was apparently ported internally by Minority.

None of these games were done using vendor provided Linux support from Epic. To my knowledge, the situation is as it has always been so far as the engine is concerned. Linux support was promised and never delivered.

Yep. That's the summation of what went on there. It was close enough to done to almost call it so- enough that a good enough dev could've finished it for their game with minimal problems. Epic's been avoiding the subject on that score because it's a legal quagmire beyond words...mostly of their own making. The official support you're seeing here (including asset chain support) may well be the only apology the community may ever get from them on this.

Starbound Stable Updates, New Weather & Encounters Available
By , 22 March 2014 at 1:49 pm UTC

Same here; waiting for it to be fleshed out but I do think it's a fantastic game.

Unreal Engine 4 Announced With Linux Support Including The Editor, Source Code Access & More!
By , 22 March 2014 at 1:44 pm UTC

Quoting: IvancilloPS : Now that I recall, the Unreal 3 thing was a very strange episode yet to clarify.
I remember to see in-game images and interviews with Icculus where he stated the game develoupment was almost complete. But the game never saw the light for not explained reasons.
And giving more wood to the fire, 3 or 4 years later, was released a Linux version of game that uses UE3 : Dungeon Defenders. Strange.

There's a bit of a reason for this. The Engine code itself (not the game) was mostly completed while Ryan was still under contract with them. Unfortunately the game itself wasn't finished when Ryan apparently determined enough was enough and cut them off due to non-payment for earlier work (Not that I blame the man...they owed him a bit of money from what I understood at the time. Enough to call them out on a breach of agreement for it.) The bulk of the engine code was there sufficient for someone to use- and what wasn't done was fairly easily fixable if you had source code access.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By Liam Dawe, 22 March 2014 at 1:37 pm UTC

Quoting: fochtHello folks,

'fixed' also means someone bothered to revisit old bugs, checked it with recent wine version and found it working.
Many bugs that are probably fixed are just rotting for years in Bugzilla (users report them and never retest/revisit).
Also many bugs are invalid from start (use of outdated/broken wine versions, wineprefix/installation messed up...).

If you have severely limited resources it takes a long time to go through that many bugs and manually validate/investigate them.
The active part of Wine community which does bug triaging/fixing is pretty small compared to many other open/closed source projects.
And yet considerable success is achieved with each release, making many apps and games work better.


Anastasius Focht

Well, personally I am waiting on to be fixed, reported on 2011-09-03 and with latest wine it still doesn't work.

Only just seen someone wanted feedback, so I tested and yup still an issue.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By mrdeathjr, 22 March 2014 at 1:01 pm UTC

This video is assasins creed brotherhood with wine 1.7.15 without debugger (on console (on my case terminal on dolphin archive manager): WINEDEBUG=-all wine steam ), its recommended for more performance (but this depend game)

View video on


The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By , 22 March 2014 at 12:27 pm UTC

Hello folks,

'fixed' also means someone bothered to revisit old bugs, checked it with recent wine version and found it working.
Many bugs that are probably fixed are just rotting for years in Bugzilla (users report them and never retest/revisit).
Also many bugs are invalid from start (use of outdated/broken wine versions, wineprefix/installation messed up...).

If you have severely limited resources it takes a long time to go through that many bugs and manually validate/investigate them.
The active part of Wine community which does bug triaging/fixing is pretty small compared to many other open/closed source projects.
And yet considerable success is achieved with each release, making many apps and games work better.


Anastasius Focht

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By sobkas, 22 March 2014 at 12:06 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweWow some of the bugs on page two are ooooooold!
Better fix them late than never.

Next vote:
How to display an age of the bug:
a) in days
b) properly break days into years and months
c) in seconds
d) discuss it on the forum

My vote:

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available
By Liam Dawe, 22 March 2014 at 11:58 am UTC

Wow some of the bugs on page two are ooooooold!

TopWare Interactive Give More Details About Two Worlds 2 & Other Games
By Orkultus, 22 March 2014 at 7:09 am UTC

May 7th for Ravens Cry! woo!

Paper Dungeons Roguelike/Tactics Game Now Out For Linux On Desura, My Thoughts & Video
By rustybroomhandle, 22 March 2014 at 6:56 am UTC

This reminds me a lot of Desktop Dungeons.

Sharing Steam Games On Two Different Linux Distributions
By junktext, 22 March 2014 at 2:26 am UTC

Thanks for the catch there, micmon, as you are indeed correct. So, I apologize for saying that 95% of games would work (it seems more like 65-75% now). There are many games that do not use the ".../SteamApps/common" folder for their save game data/in-game configs (although all games that run from Steam will store their main files here). I didn't realize how severe the problem was until I started doing further research.

I am currently working on updating my how-to to include instructions for this, but, unfortunately, I have found no simple method to easily do this for every single game that uses Steam. This is because each game tends to use their own made-up location that follows no standardized format. So, essentially, a user will need to make symbolic links (soft links) to each game that does not follow the standard Steam location. This is tedious, but easy thankfully.

For example, Project Zomboid uses the following location for their save game data/in-game configs: ~/Zomboid (although see my note below). Whereas Organ Trail uses: ~/.config/unity3d/TheMenWhoWearManyHats/Organ Trail/.

However, worse yet, it may not always be a good idea to share in-game configs across two distros. I believe this mainly affects indie-developed games and not the bigger named titles that have more programmers to find these types of problems. As in the case of Project Zomboid, my Fedora uses a certain video resolution that gives me a great full-screen experience, but if I share this same in-game config (using a symlink) with Ubuntu, I get an-almost-full-screen experience (the top menu bar with the Ubuntu clock and such shows up).

Therefore, in the case of Project Zomboid, I just have it share the save game location(s) which are not exactly the same as the in-game config (the save game files are in sub-folders). At least this works nice. However, Project Zomboid is still in beta (or alpha or whatever) and I cannot even launch that game in Steam directly, as I need to venture into a terminal and have it run a .sh (shell) file. This is both for Fedora and Ubuntu and it's been this way for a while with me. I do not need to do this for other games.

Lastly, as krsq mentioned, this idea should work the same across network drives (to include cloud drives). But, I haven't tested this myself, though I may update my how-to to also mention this as well.

Thanks again, and I'll make sure to give you a shout-out in the credits, micmon (and I'll mention krsq if I include the network access concept). I am trying to get the how-to updated by tomorrow.

Octopus City Blues Game-Like Adventure Game Available For Pre-Order
By Mambo, 21 March 2014 at 11:00 pm UTC

I've also been burned by game-like things with weak gameplay.
Pro tip for those in no hurry: use the positive/negative review filters on the steam store page. If there isn't anything negative it's probably too early. Read a bit of both until you know which way you lean. Try to buy good games less often rather than meh sales you may not care to finish.

Steam Has Greenlit Another 37 Linux Games
By , 21 March 2014 at 10:42 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: JustNizSigh. Nearly all are just more of the same retro-looking 2D shit.
Why are there still so few high-quality first person 3D Linux games?
Good-looking 3D is hard to make and takes a lot longer. Developers have to start from somewhere.

Thats fine that you make low-quality games as a learning experiment, just don't also publish them.

A Sneak Peak Of This War Of Mine From The Anomaly Developers
By SteamPenguin, 21 March 2014 at 10:21 pm UTC

Runs perfect for me on Linux, seems to be an issue with some and not others, so more than likely a missing library, something that some people have installed and others dont, try running steam through a terminal.

Paper Dungeons Roguelike/Tactics Game Now Out For Linux On Desura, My Thoughts & Video
By scaine, 21 March 2014 at 9:41 pm UTC

Looks good. I played a lot of Dungelot on Android, and this is very nearly the exact same game with some stylistic differences. In Dungelot, for example, you don't level up as you play, but instead use the gold from one run to power up your next attempt (much like Rogue Legacy actually).

I'm a sucker for these types of RPG-lite games, so I think I might have to fire up the old Desura client for the first time in a long time!

Steam Has Greenlit Another 37 Linux Games
By Liam Dawe, 21 March 2014 at 6:30 pm UTC

Quoting: JustNizSigh. Nearly all are just more of the same retro-looking 2D shit.
Why are there still so few high-quality first person 3D Linux games?

Good-looking 3D is hard to make and takes a lot longer. Developers have to start from somewhere.

Steam Has Greenlit Another 37 Linux Games
By , 21 March 2014 at 6:15 pm UTC

Sigh. Nearly all are just more of the same retro-looking 2D shit.
Why are there still so few high-quality first person 3D Linux games?

Steam Has Greenlit Another 37 Linux Games
By , 21 March 2014 at 6:12 pm UTC

Bring back the spirit of Descent 3

Please help Greenlight NeonXSZ for Linux

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