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Flash Is Dying, Long Live OpenFL
By , 19 March 2014 at 5:00 pm UTC

I'm a web designer who has been using Adobe Edge Animate. It's capable of creating some great non-flash DHTML/HTML5 animations. It still has some things that need to be worked out, but I've used it on a few web projects happily. :)

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By Liam Dawe, 19 March 2014 at 3:33 pm UTC

Quoting: Mouse?The Mouse thing is do to Xorg being a piece of shit

No it isn't, it is a known bug in Unity. I cannot find the bug report, but i've seen it before.

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By , 19 March 2014 at 3:28 pm UTC

The Mouse thing is do to Xorg being a piece of shit

Sharing Steam Games On Two Different Linux Distributions
By DrMcCoy, 19 March 2014 at 2:55 pm UTC

Quoting: micmonsyncs to the cloud

Apropos: I frequently start the Steam client on three different machines: My Debian system at home, my Arch laptop and my Gentoo system at uni. They should all use the same Steam version. Still, cloud saving for game categories in my library, i.e. when I put a new game in a category, or move on game to a different category, only works sometimes. Is there a trick you have to do, to force a change to sync to the cloud?

Sharing Steam Games On Two Different Linux Distributions
By , 19 March 2014 at 2:43 pm UTC

>> therefore ~95% of your Steam games will work in sync
>> by both distros if you follow my advice

This is not true. A lot of games store files in ".<gamename>" or ".local/share/<gamename>".

At first I did something similar to what you did and I got burned twice:

1.) I played a game which syncs to the cloud on box 1 and tried to continue the game on box 2. The sync did to cloud did not complete which at the time I did not know (I found out later that Steam had a problem on that day). So after starting on the second box I was not able to continue and after quitting it also synced my old savegame to the cloud and later this bad savegame was synced to box 1 as well...

2.) I had run a newer version of the steam client on box 1 and when starting the older client on box 2 (because the package manager did not update steam on this box yet) it totally messed up the steam installation and I had to do a reset.

I also thing you did not understand my use case: I do not want to share between different distributions but different PCs running the same distribution. This way I can use my steam installation at my place and as well as at my parent's place.

LUFTRAUSERS Arcade Style Aerial Combat Released On Steam For Linux
By , 19 March 2014 at 1:11 pm UTC

Why a plane can bounce on water?

Toribash On Steam Beta Access, 15 Keys To Give Away
By , 19 March 2014 at 12:05 pm UTC

Im new, key would be cool :)

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By , 19 March 2014 at 10:43 am UTC

Quote...mouse issues where most Unity games I have play-tested require me to be in windowed mode...
You can also try to toggle vsync or change resolution - it helps in my case Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By , 19 March 2014 at 10:33 am UTC

I wonder if they'll use the Steam runtime for native games. I think that would be a good idea.

Toribash On Steam Beta Access, 15 Keys To Give Away
By sir, 19 March 2014 at 9:54 am UTC

I've sent some emais to guest users and PMs to those whom I cannot reach via Steam. Check your inbox please and reply to me and you'll get your keys.

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By fabertawe, 19 March 2014 at 9:51 am UTC

The only Unity game I have (as far as I'm aware!) is "Sir, You Are Being Hunted" and I've never had this mouse issue. It's still in Alpha too. It's good to be aware of it though.

Epic Games & Mozilla Give Sneak Peak At Unreal Engine 4 In The Browser
By Sabun, 19 March 2014 at 9:24 am UTC

Quotesince I have a habit of having 50+ tabs open all the time, it would be kind a hardcore with games running on some of them.

+1 ! Here I was thinking I was being weird having so many tabs open! Glad to know I'm not the only one ;)

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By Cheeseness, 19 March 2014 at 4:05 am UTC

Guns of Icarus Online is the game that I've heard of it happening in the most. It seems to only happen in first person games, and I have strong suspicion that the issue itself hasn't been identified upstream.

What seems to happen is that the game renderer freezes (but audio still plays and the game itself is still running). Alt+Tabbing away from (personally, when I've encountered it, the app itself has seemed to have lost focus on its own in the meantime) and back to the game seems to sort it out, but that's a fairly cumbersome workaround. Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By philip550c, 19 March 2014 at 3:59 am UTC

Quoting: CheesenessI'll be really interested to hear what sort of approaches they'll be taking with regards to packaging.
I'm guessing since they are supporting ubuntu/mint that it will be deb files.

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By philip550c, 19 March 2014 at 3:56 am UTC

What mouse woes? Which game can I play that has Linux mouse problems? I haven't encountered any problems that aren't alpha/beta games.

Epic Games & Mozilla Give Sneak Peak At Unreal Engine 4 In The Browser
By philip550c, 19 March 2014 at 3:54 am UTC

No interest really. Glad it's doing well but I don't play games in the browser.

LUFTRAUSERS Arcade Style Aerial Combat Released On Steam For Linux
By HadBabits, 19 March 2014 at 3:52 am UTC

Quite addictive, I highly recommend it :D

Octodad: Dadliest Catch Has sold 90K Copies, Linux Sales Info Inside
By , 19 March 2014 at 2:58 am UTC

I own the game, and there is nothing wrong with the physics as far as I can tell. It actually runs quite well. The only problem I have is the multimonitor support. They use SDL 1.2 and I'm assuming that has something to do with it Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By Cheeseness, 19 March 2014 at 2:51 am UTC

I'll be really interested to hear what sort of approaches they'll be taking with regards to packaging.

Unity Confirms They Have No Plans For A Linux Editor
By , 19 March 2014 at 2:44 am UTC

Just did my first app for linux with unity.

Having to build it in windows and then pull it over to a linux box to test if my code works is a pain! I ended up having to write way more than I like to a log file just to see when or why something failed in my code on linux.

Its not as simple as writing in on windows unity and hitting build for linux. It's not always going to work.

But for what unity is I'm happy to have the ability to build it.

Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, Will They Fix Linux Mouse Woes?
By Cheeseness, 19 March 2014 at 2:09 am UTC

I don't understand why the title of this article contains a question when that information is in the article and could easily fit within the title (eg: "Unity 5 Announced With WebGL Exporting, No Fix For Linux Mouse Woes").

The really big thing that I'm interested to see is whether there are any performance increases on Linux for Unity 5 games. The launch trailer talks about performance increases in the editor, but nothing about deployed games.

I know I'm definitely not interested in playing games in my web browser, but it'll be interesting to see how people respond to WebGL deployment and how performant it is across platforms. Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By , 19 March 2014 at 1:20 am UTC

Oh joy! Around Y2K I jumped from Amiga straight to Linux, so I missed most of the DOS and Windows games. Sure, I know I could run them in DosBox, ScummVM and Wine, and I sometimes did, but usually I was too lazy to tweak the config files in effort to make things work (and I didn't have much luck with PlayOnLinux either). So now someone will finally take care of the classics for my lazy ass. ;-) Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By berarma, 19 March 2014 at 12:54 am UTC

This seems like a very forced decision probably because of Steam, I hope they get serious though.

Epic Games & Mozilla Give Sneak Peak At Unreal Engine 4 In The Browser
By berarma, 19 March 2014 at 12:52 am UTC

Not all games need cutting-edge technology, see most Android games and several PC games. The good thing is being able to run them on any OS and device where Firefox runs.

Games/apps running in a browser doesn't mean you have to download them every time you run them, they can be packaged for a one-time download like any other game. The preconceived idea that anything running in a browser must be downloaded at the moment and that it has to work online is wrong. At the same time, thinking that anything not running in a browser will work offline and that it won't depend on downloads is also wrong (Steam comes to mind).

I see the good, but like anything else it could be used in ways that we don't like.

Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan Action & Adventure Game Now On Steam For Linux
By , 19 March 2014 at 12:15 am UTC

i dont like the art style. Has amateur written all over it.

Gauntlet Action RPG From Warner Bros & Arrowhead To Launch On Linux
By FeRDNYC, 18 March 2014 at 11:46 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousReally loved that game. Had to LOL on the last tunes of the video :D

That was great. I played the hell out of the Gauntlet II arcade standup (4-player!) back in the late 1980's / early 1990's.

I was kind of bummed that there wasn't any sign of the voice prompting in the gameplay itself, though. I'm not sure Gauntlet would be Gauntlet without hearing "helpful" advice like...
  • "Blue Warrior needs food, badly!"

  • "Red Wizard is about to die!"
(and my favorite...)
  • "Don't shoot food!!"

LYNE, A Minimilistic Puzzle Game Now On Steam For Linux
By Danny, 18 March 2014 at 11:27 pm UTC

Just got it and played first 2 sets.
It's beautiful, it's a little bit challenging at times and I think daily set generation is it's killer feature, it will likely keep me playing it for months.. 3 sets are generated daily, and days differ in difficulty. Wednesday is "regular", thursday will be "complex" or something like that.

Feels a bit like a mobile game though.
Not that it really takes anything from gameplay.

Epic Games & Mozilla Give Sneak Peak At Unreal Engine 4 In The Browser
By Mambo, 18 March 2014 at 11:02 pm UTC

If UE4 relies on shared memory parallelism that part will be very hard to port, maybe with a compiler hacker reimplementing memory barriers as IPC between webworkers.

Flash Is Dying, Long Live OpenFL
By Beta Version, 18 March 2014 at 10:34 pm UTC

Quoting: mannyEven Youtube and most video sites are still mostly in flash even after all these years
Youtube works perfectly with HTML5 player.