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Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By , 8 July 2011 at 7:35 am UTC

Quoting: "Gaslamp - Citizen Daniel, post: 1911"Hi all, Daniel from Gaslamp here. Thanks for your interest in our game!

Just wanted to mention that, as has been covered extensively on our [URL='http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/']blog[/URL] recently, we are working very hard on two things at the moment which we are aware are very important to you guys: a Linux version of the game, and alternative methods of distribution.

We can't say for certainty that the Linux version of Dredmor will be out on release day. I wish we could, but if it was it would probably not be nearly as fun as it should be. It is the main goal of our programming team to give people a way to purchase the game on all platforms as quickly as possible, and we really value our Linux fans so don't worry, you are in our thoughts and on our white boards.

We're also currently in talks with some providers of more direct sales systems at the moment so if you want to bypass as many middle-men as possible, we want to give you that option as well.

You should really consider giving Desura a shot when it's out for Linux. I think they're doing a great job.

Thanks for considering us Linux users for your game, I really appreciate it!

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By , 8 July 2011 at 4:37 am UTC

The "More FAQs; or: On the Folly of Giving Money Directly to Developers" is worrying because it misses the mark badly. It uses Loki as an example I own 30-40 games that run natively on linux. I have never bought a Loki game simply because I object to paying a premium for using Linux, and I don't mean a small margin. I mean several orders of magnitude, as for DRM lol.

The other example used is Project Zomboid and the problems they have had. Not the best example as currently they have my money, and the problems are for selling an unfinished game!? (It is worth every penny

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By KIAaze, 8 July 2011 at 4:08 am UTC

Just checked again and it seems to be a rogue-like, i.e. a random infinite game. Suddenly I'm even less interested. :(
Or will it be like classic rogue with randomly generated dungeons but where you win once you retrieve something like the amulet of Yendor and get out alive? (Hopefully easier in that case. I had to modify the source code to beat rogue. :p)

However, they give a very detailed explanation here of why they don't allow direct payment:

QuoteIt also exposes us to the problems associated with running an in-house electronic commerce system; we have to build a system that is secure enough that you feel comfortable giving us your credit card number, and we also have to ensure that it is secure enough from our end that the money ends up in our bank account and not sent to the First International Bank of Lulzsec.

That's something I can identify with very well. I usually don't feel comfortable entering my credit card number on small sites running their own payment service. My preferred payment method is paypal without an account (I don't use any site storing credit card info as a general rule).
On the other hand, with all the bad things I keep hearing about paypal, boycotting it doesn't sound like such a bad idea. ^^

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By , 8 July 2011 at 3:55 am UTC

Hi all, Daniel from Gaslamp here. Thanks for your interest in our game!

Just wanted to mention that, as has been covered extensively on our [URL='http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/']blog[/URL] recently, we are working very hard on two things at the moment which we are aware are very important to you guys: a Linux version of the game, and alternative methods of distribution.

We can't say for certainty that the Linux version of Dredmor will be out on release day. I wish we could, but if it was it would probably not be nearly as fun as it should be. It is the main goal of our programming team to give people a way to purchase the game on all platforms as quickly as possible, and we really value our Linux fans so don't worry, you are in our thoughts and on our white boards.

We're also currently in talks with some providers of more direct sales systems at the moment so if you want to bypass as many middle-men as possible, we want to give you that option as well.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By Hamish, 7 July 2011 at 10:27 pm UTC

As long as they do eventually get it on a more platform agnostic solution, I do not really care. And yes, there is very little chance of them abandoning Linux in the future, as their lead programmer is a former Loki guy and a good friend of icculus who actually has contributed to the OpenGL specifications. So I doubt we would get any problems from them in that regard.

Still, all the more reason for Desura to come about.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By KIAaze, 7 July 2011 at 9:14 pm UTC

Quoting: "Robert, post: 1907"I find the opposite true. I refuse to support a paid service like steam. That does not support my platform of choice. Steam will never get a penny of my money. I signed up to the newsletter and am very disappointed. Hopefully in future they can offer a download to a binary for a simple paypal transaction. Steel Storm is available from Kot-in-Actions home store and Ubuntu's Software centre. Gaslamp Games seem to not want my money.

Same for me. :/

(When I first saw the title, I thought it was a new [URL='http://caravelgames.com/Articles/Games.html']DROD[/URL] game. ^^)

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By Rustybolts, 7 July 2011 at 5:40 pm UTC

[LEFT]Well as long as they keep supporting Linux i see no problem with them not being able to see how many linux purchases there are (obviously they are already convinced its worth doing). Ill show my support as they are a small Indie team trying to make ends meat, and I am grateful they are supporting linux. They may shoot for Desura later with any luck.[/LEFT]

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By , 7 July 2011 at 4:54 pm UTC

I find the opposite true. I refuse to support a paid service like steam. That does not support my platform of choice. Steam will never get a penny of my money. I signed up to the newsletter and am very disappointed. Hopefully in future they can offer a download to a binary for a simple paypal transaction. Steel Storm is available from Kot-in-Actions home store and Ubuntu's Software centre. Gaslamp Games seem to not want my money.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By Liam Dawe, 7 July 2011 at 3:37 pm UTC

Ah so they are taking a hint from Steel Storm, quite interesting to see another indie do this! Pretty cool actually :D

Looks like i will be buying via Steam then, makes me a happy Steam user heh best of both worlds cannot ask for more really.

I read their DRM blog bit in the FAQ and i agree completely with what they are saying. Paypal have frozen accounts for me before, so i refuse to use them!

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 3
By , 7 July 2011 at 4:02 am UTC

Desura for Linux sounds very exciting. I'm grateful Keith has given so much time to answering questions.

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By Hamish, 6 July 2011 at 4:45 pm UTC

Fair enough, I actually quite like the new XFCE myself actually, except for the fact I have a deep hatred of Thunar, so whenever I use XFCE I always continue to use Nautilus as my file manager. Since I always have Gnome installed anyway it is no big deal.

I just posted my thoughts on the Gnome Shell on the FedoraForum if anyone is interested:

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By MaximB, 6 July 2011 at 11:03 am UTC

Now that I've heard that the next Ubuntu release would have Gnome 3 and not 2 as an option - I don't know if I'll continue using it.
In the past month I'm actually trying to make myself comfortable with KDE4 and XFCE .
Gnome3 and Unity are just not for me.

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By Liam Dawe, 6 July 2011 at 9:29 am UTC

Well for that you could just install via the USC on your other computer? Unless USC has hidden DRM.

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By Hamish, 4 July 2011 at 9:29 pm UTC

Or computer to computer presumably. Can the USC offer that?

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By Liam Dawe, 4 July 2011 at 7:19 pm UTC

Well since anything in USC is installed into directories in / i don't think it's exactly easy to move them to another distro, if that is possible even at all.

This is why i like Desura, if you read the interview he tells you that Desura is portable, so you can take your games from distro to distro :)

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC
By KIAaze, 4 July 2011 at 6:56 am UTC

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1842"I really don't get people who buy from Ubuntu Software Center, I mean why would someone want to lock himself to use only one OS ? o...forgot about the Windows users...

Well, I can think of one reason: At the moment the GNU/Linux version of Braid is only available through the USC (legally at least)...: http://braid-game.com/news/2011/06/braid-is-now-available-in-the-ubuntu-software-center/

I'm playing with the thought of buying it there, but haven't done so yet.
I'm also not such a big fan of the USC idea. One of my concerns is security, since there is nothing indicating if you are using a secure connection or not.

But if anyone has tried it, I would be interested to know if stuff bought on it is then easily portable to other distros, i.e. can be easily saved as a standalone package.

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By Hamish, 3 July 2011 at 8:57 am UTC

Well, I remember reading an archived LinuxGames post from about five or six years ago where many people were complaining that there was basically nowhere but TuxGames to buy native gaming titles. That has thankfully been changed somewhat.

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura part 2!
By Hamish, 3 July 2011 at 8:54 am UTC

Well, I understand his reasons for not doing the mod support, but I still hope that at some point they can get that working on Linux. That said, I am still interested in Desura and they responded to my question well. So well done Keith and Scott and of course well done Liam for the interview. ;)

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura part 2!
By MaximB, 3 July 2011 at 8:03 am UTC

Nice interview, I can't understand the companies that insist on DRM (even months/years after their games release), look at GOG - they sell games without DRM and it's seems to work great for them.
I've bought many games from them for the major reason being NO-DRM, they got over $100 from me over the past 1-2 years.

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By MaximB, 3 July 2011 at 7:54 am UTC

Interesting, although I already bought most games I like.
Recently we have many Linux gaming stores - hard to decide from where to buy ;)

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter
By MyGameCompany, 2 July 2011 at 5:20 pm UTC

In case anyone is interested in why I chose to do a pre-order for the game, I just blogged about it:

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter
By Rustybolts, 1 July 2011 at 5:25 pm UTC

Looking forward to its release, I love old skool platform games.

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By Liam Dawe, 1 July 2011 at 12:49 pm UTC

Yeah i had a look at that today, looks to be a very good service, could do very well if it pays off since it allows .deb .rpm and tarballs (tarballs being my favourite as i can then store the games wherever i want!).

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter
By Brandon Smith, 1 July 2011 at 5:05 am UTC

I was going to say you're shooting people! But then I realized they were tranq darts :)

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter
By MyGameCompany, 1 July 2011 at 4:11 am UTC

Yeah. Unfortunately, I don't have the new music yet. So I clipped a bit of music from the original game. The first draft of the new music should be arriving within the next week or so. It's from the same musician that did the music for Rick Rocket, and he did a phenomenal job with that game, so I have high expectations for his Dirk 2 soundtrack. The next trailer will probably have the new music.

First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter
By Hamish, 1 July 2011 at 3:12 am UTC

Interesting, though I can not help but feel the music undersells it a bit. Just a suggestion, but in my experience an active music track helps any side-scroller. :)

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By Hamish, 30 June 2011 at 10:18 pm UTC

Looks to be a bit more fancy than Tux Games or Wupra, judging by this page:

Freesynd v0.5
By Liam Dawe, 29 June 2011 at 9:02 pm UTC

Woohoo it's still alive! :D

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 1
By Liam Dawe, 28 June 2011 at 4:17 pm UTC

Hamish - Prepare to be dissapointed. Your question was answered in the next coming parts.

Troy - Steam for me is all about automatic updates without setting up repositories, about having the friends list communication, if i play a game they can see and join me. Steam does a lot of sales too, easy to pick up cheap games, etc etc.

I hope Desura can fill the void eventually.

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 1
By MyGameCompany, 28 June 2011 at 12:38 pm UTC

As a developer, I look at it as just another distribution channel. On the PC side, I know people who buy direct from developers, and I know people who refuse to buy a game if it isn't on Steam. As a gamer, I personally don't see what Steam does for me, as I can always get the latest/greatest direct from the developers the very moment an update is released. But to each their own...